J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (11): 66-70.

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YE Chunji's Political Thoughts: Taking Hui An Zheng Shu as an Example


  1. (Department of Politics and Law, Huizhou University, Huizhou, Guangdong 516007, China)
  • Received:2015-09-10 Online:2015-11-15 Published:2015-11-15


When YE Chunji was the magistrate of Huian County, he made every effort to make the county prosperous and the
achievements of his official career were remarkable. Through Hui An Zheng Shu, three aspects of his political thoughts can be
concluded: firstly, governing the county based on the documents and maps. He used the traditional method to draw documents and
maps, keeping a detailed record of the county land, mountains and other information, as a basis of his government. Secondly, practicing
Baojia system to achieve the township governance. Learning experience from the former generation of Baojia system can help to
establish a stable rural order. Thirdly, "making changes in customs and traditions to build a high-moral standard society", it means
altering the traditions and customs of the village is the way to establish the cultural environment of the village. In general, YE Chunji's
political thoughts is fundamental to the present management model of basic level community and constructing new socialist countryside
in the new period.

Key words: YE Chunji, Hui An Zheng Shu, political thoughts, documents and maps, Baojia, community school

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