J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 59-64.
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Since China's reform and opening up, socialism with Chinese characteristics has made remarkable achievements, but many problems still remain. It's necessary to overcome these problems so that we can push the program of socialism with Chinese characteristics forward in new times. Main approaches include: making consistent efforts to improve the socialist market economy, changing the mode of economic development; maintaining the Chinese characteristic political development routine, advancing the reform of political system; deepening the reform of cultural system, trying every effort to promote socialism cultural advancement; innovating the system of social governance, strengthening the construction of social system; promoting construction of ecological civilization and constructing a beautiful China.
Key words: new times, socialism with Chinese characteristics, push forward
CLC Number:
Liu Huihui, Zhao Jinyuan. Pushing Forward Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in New Times[J]. J4, 2015, 14(3): 59-64.
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