J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 60-62.
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Objective: To compare the effects of different pretreatment methods on determination of the content of 6 metal elements in rapeseed oil. Methods: 15 samples of rapeseed oil were pretreated by dry ashing and wet digestion methods and the content of 6 kinds of metal elements such as lead, cadmium, cuprum and iron was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS). Results: After dry ashing and wet digestion treatments, the difference in the content of Pb and Cu had no statistical significance(P >0.05), but there was statistical significance in the difference in the content of Fe and Mn(P < 0.05). R2 of each element was over 0.99. The recovery rates of standard addition with the dry ashing method and with the wet digestion method were 81.90%-107.45% and 99.90%-108.05% respectively and satisfied the requirements of trace analysis. By contrast, the difference in recovery rates of standard addition between dry ashing and wet digestion methods was statistically significant(P < 0.05)and the recovery rate of the method of wet digestion and FAAS was higher than that of the dry ashing method. Conclusion: The accurate measuring result could be obtained by both methods but the wet digestion method was superior to the dry ashing method.
Key words: pretreatment, rapeseed oil, metal elements, flame atomic absorption spectrometry
CLC Number:
Tang Guanghua, Li E, Liu Chongmei, Shi Jiao, Zhu Youshuai, Pu Shaoqun, Song Zhen. Comparison of Two Pretreatment Methods for Determination of the Content of 6 Metal Elements in Rapeseed Oil[J]. J4, 2015, 14(4): 60-62.
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