J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 63-65.
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Objective: To survey the physical development and dietary health habits of pupils in some primary school in Dali.Methods: Total 1 121 pupil from fourth grade to sixth grade in ten different primary schools in Dali were selected for questionnaire survey on their dietary health habits. Meanwhile, pupil's height and weight were measured. Results: 78.14% pupils were lean. The BMI of pupils from grade four, five and six were compared and the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.01), and the BMI of sixth grade is greater than that of the fifth grade whose BMI was greater than that of the fourth grade. The BMI of boys and girls were compared and the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.01). The BMI of boys was higher than that of girls. The BMI of Han,Bai, Yi, Hui, and other ethnic minorities were also compared, the difference was not statistically significant(P > 0.05). The situation of pupils eating breakfast is better, while the situation of picky eating and eating snacks rather than meals are general. Conclusion: Most primary school students are lean and have harmful dietary health habits in Dali. To promote pupil's physical development, targeted health education should be carried out, nutrition and hygiene should be popularized.
Key words: pupil, physical development, dietary health habit
CLC Number:
Ding Chunli, Dong Chengyan, Wang Wenxian, Zheng Xiaoxia, Yang Fuyou, Ji Shoulian. Investigation of the Physical Development and Dietary Health Habits of Pupils in Some Primary School in Dali[J]. J4, 2015, 14(4): 63-65.
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