J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 75-78.
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Objective: To analyze and summarize the health education methods and content of children convulsions. Methods: The health education methods and content of children convulsion were proposed by consulting literature and summarizing clinical and teaching experience. Results:Health education methods are mainly in the form of oral language, written language, pictures, videos, behaviors, post-discharge telephone counseling and regular follow-up visits to outpatients. The content of health education is divided into education during and after the hospitalization, including explanation of the disease, first aid measures, psychological nursing,observation of the disease and discharge guidance. Conclusion:Good health education for older children and their family can control onvulsions in time and prevent the recurrence effectively, and it also plays an important role in reducing brain injury.
Key words: children, convulsions, health education
CLC Number:
Zhang Xiaolan,Zhao Yuan. Health Education on Children Convulsions[J]. J4, 2015, 14(4): 75-78.
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