J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (5): 31-36.
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Traditional simplicity thinking has great limitation in the comprehension of environment and related issues, and the difficulty in governance practice proves the collapse of this thinking to some extent. The environment is a complex system and we only can grasp the essence of environmental issues in complex views. Traditional views of environmental protection should be criticized from the point of complex system. The essential character of environmental governance is publicity. The key point is environmental systems with their execution. The subject element is multiple interactions. Citizen consensus and ecological consciousness are also in need.Ultimately, the essence of environmental governance is the governance of people under a common goal.
Key words: complex system, environmental governance, institutional system
CLC Number:
ZHU Yangjun. Environmental Governance in the Context of Complex System[J]. J4, 2015, 14(5): 31-36.
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