J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (7): 85-88.
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In order to explore the relationship between self consciousness and the feeling of loneliness, social anxiety for rural street children, this paper selected the classes with higher proportion of street children in Die Ma Middle School of Honghe Town as the participants. 120 students were selected as samples and 98 questionnaires were valid. Using Piers Harris' self consciousness scale for children, children's loneliness scale and the social anxiety scale for investigation, the results finds that the self awareness level of street children is lower than the norm group(P<0.001), the detection rate of social anxiety reached 59%, the detection rate of loneliness reaches 43%, which shows that there is a negative relationship between self consciousness and social anxiety, loneliness, but no significant difference between them. The development level of self awareness for rural children is lower than the national level, the detection rate of social anxiety and loneliness in rural children is greater than general children, street children's self-awareness and mental health problems should be emphasized.
Key words: rural street children, self-consciousness, loneliness, social anxiety
CLC Number:
Deng Min, Pan Ying, Fan Jie. Study on the Relationship between the Self-consciousness and the Feeling of Loneliness, Social Anxiety for Rural Street Children[J]. J4, 2015, 14(7): 85-88.
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