J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 26-32.
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Based on the questionnaire survey in 7 villages of Dali 140 households as the sample for the study, on the analysis of Dali rural migrant labor force characteristics, and on the empirical research on the effect of Dali agricultural production, rural life and the income of the farmers in the labor force transfer, the study shows that the current rural labor transfer does not have a bad influence in the agricultural production in Dali, but if the transfer of population exceeds the critical point, it is bound to adversely affect agricultural production. The transfer of rural labor force plays an important role in Increasing farmers' income, but it has positive and negative impact on the rural life. This paper aims to increase the income of the farmers, to improve farmers' life and put forwards countermeasures to promote agricultural production through the reasonable transfer of rural labor force.
CLC Number:
ZHENG Cui-Xia. Study on the Effect of Rural Labor Transfer in Dali City[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 26-32.
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