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Changes in the Characteristics of Ideological and Political Education in#br# the Context of Big Data

Zhao Yuxin   

  1. School of Marxism,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu Sichuan,610500,China
  • Online:2015-05-01 Published:2015-05-01


The advent of the era of big data not only makes people drown in a sea of information,bringing various values and
reconstructing people’s life externally and internally,which poses new challenges to the ideological and political education. The
subjects of ideological and political education are surrounded by big data environment and the objects are under the dramatic
impact of mass information. The education process is interfered by the big data information transmission modes and channels,
which makes ideological and political education more difficult and more complex. However,ideological and political education
must adjust to the era of big data with scientific responses so as to hold the leading status in this transformation. Therefore,it
is important to establish a big data concept,to dig deeper into the ideological and political education resources,to use big data
analysis methods in ideological and political education,and to keep tune with the environmental changes in the era of big data.
To achieve the above goals,we must inspect the new situation ideological and political education is in,examine the function
transformation of ideological and political education and figure out specific and feasible countermeasures

Key words: new media, big data, ideological and political education, moral education function, information science

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