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Understanding and Implementation of the Party’ s Mass Line Campaign in
Colleges and Universities

WANG Yi-quan YIN Chong ZHANG Jian   

  1. The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu Sichuan, 610500, China
  • Online:2014-05-01 Published:2014-05-01


This paper elaborates the practice of the party’s mass line campaign in four aspects: (1) the understanding and practice of the party’s mass line campaign, (2) the establishment of a firm ideological basis for the mass line campaign by going deep into the masses, (3) the sublimation of CPC cadres’ thoughts as a result of in-depth study, (4) the remarkable theoretical achievements and actual results of this campaign. It also analyzes the history of the “organizational learning” by the CPC, from which the Party has learned valuable experiences. In the Party’ s mass line campaign, a form of organization learning, universities and colleges should attach importance to both the campaign and the tasks of school’s reform and development, so as to further improve talent cultivation to propel school’s reform and development. Southwest Petroleum University has produced a series of research reports by conducting researches in various ways, and hascompiled a number of summaries and reviews as a result of combining this campaign with reflections on school development. A series of activities in the campaign have greatly contributed to the development of the school. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that the desirable results can be ensured by borrowing lessons from CPC’s organizational learning, by innovating learning methods, and by enhancing organizational leadership and institutional construction.

Key words: mass line, organization learning, party organization, learning and education, learning style