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    01 March 2014, Volume 16 Issue 2
    Construction of Refined Oil Logistics and Distribution System
    JIANG Hu-min ZHANG Guang-hui LUO Qiang Guo Bo
    2014, 16(2):  7-14.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.002
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    Under the existing refined oil logistics and distribution system,the cost of refined oil logistics and distribution keeps increasing,and this rigid cost growth has become the major obstacle to business improvement. In this paper,the authors discuss the reality and disadvantages of refined oil logistics and distribution in Sichuan Marketing Company of PetroChina. And then by calculus reasoning based on mature logistics and transport optimization model,and via reform of the institutional mechanisms and processes reengineering of refined oil logistics and distribution,we establish an optimized logistics and distribution system which double centralizes both the “depots and resources”,and can thereby reduces the cost of transportation,and improve the efficiency of distribution.

    Studies on the Development of Electronic Information Industry in Wuzhou
    XIAO Li-xin
    2014, 16(2):  15-23.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.003
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    In the years of development in western China,resourceoriented industries and extensive economy have resulted in unreasonable industry structure and seriously hindered economy development in this region. As one of the western cities,Wuzhou is also troubled with some problems in the process of undertaking the transformation into more advanced eastern economic policies. On the basis of the analysis of the present situation of the electronic information industry in Wuzhou,this article points out the limitations during its development. Wuzhou failed to give full play of its regional advantage to form a diversified enterpriseoriented investing and financing mechanism. Another limitation is that the electronic industry has not reached the degree of agglomeration and has no industrial cluster effect. Finally,the author presents some advices aiming to resolve the dilemma of the electronic information industry development in Wuzhou.

    Risk Assessment of and Response to Public Policy —Based on the perspective of risk management
    MENG Xiao-min ZHANG Xin-liang
    2014, 16(2):  30-35.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.005
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    With the development of society,public policy has become a way of as well as a tool for economic growth,system reform and state transformation. From the perspective of risk management,this paper,based on an outline of risk assessment of public policy in China,analyzes the realistic necessity of risk assessment of public policy and probes into its assessment process. On that basis,discussions on major concerns of future policy risks are made and then the authors provide suggestions on effective coping strategies of risks of public policy in China.

    Reflections on the Education Problem of Urban Village Adolescents from the State governance Perspective
    ZHANG Wei
    2014, 16(2):  51-56.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.009
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    Adolescents are the backbone of the modernization of China and they undertake the important mission of promoting the future development and prosperous of our country. Urban village is a product of urbanization. With the rapid economic and social development,the education problem of urban village adolescents has become an important issue in social stability and settlement of this problem is vital to the development of our country. This thesis intends to figure out the problems concerning the urban village adolescents through the analysis of the current research status of the education problem of urban village adolescents and to explore methods to solve this problem through efforts made at the following four levels: state,society,school and family. The author holds that the urban village adolescents can be better educated through methods such as government supervision,social participation and university assistance and thus the strategies of invigorating China through science and education and reinvigorating China through human resource development can be fulfilled.

    An Analysis on Generative Resources of Villager Autonomy System in China
    LI Gui-dong
    2014, 16(2):  57-62.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.010
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    The establishment and development of villager autonomy system is a milestone in China’s political life and the progress of social development. Thus,it is incumbent to carry out an indepth research on villager autonomy system and draw lessons from the previous experiences. From the few thousand years of history of Chinese village governance,we can conclude that villager autonomy system is the result of the influence of western democratic ideology on China’s modernization and a fruit of China’s development into a powerful and an abundant nation. However,as China’s democratization road isn’t a smooth one,the final establishment of villager autonomy system is not only the choice of the state power in the face of legitimacy crisis,but also the choice of both the government based on cost and benefit analysis and the villagers based on political economy rationality.

    A Feasibility Study of Criminal Evidence Discovery System in China
    HU Jie
    2014, 16(2):  68-73.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.012
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    Evidence discovery is an important way to achieve equality for prosecutors and defendants in criminal justice. Some countries such as the UK and the US have established a fully developed evidence discovery system,but studies on criminal evidence discovery system in China lags behind them. In recent years,appeals for establishing criminal evidence discovery system in China have become increasingly urgent. Many provinces have made exploration in practice,wihch has laid a foundation for the establishment of the system. China is to establish socialist criminal evidence discovery with Chinese characteristics as it has a good legislation foundation and rich experiences in practice,and it can learn from foreign evidence discovery systems. Feasibility studies of criminal evidence discovery system in China not only meets requirements of criminal justice reform,but also is conducive to the realization of equality of confrontation between the prosecutor and the defendant in criminal justice.

    Research on the Categorization of Administrative Litigation in China
    MO Zhang-qin
    2014, 16(2):  80-83.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.014
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    At present,administrative litigation is not categorized in China,which causes serious problems in overall safeguarding legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart,in achieving procedural economy,and in settling contradictions between executive power and jurisdiction. There are various views and theories in Chinese academia about the categonization of administrative litigation. Among them the most favorable is the “threecategory” theory which takes litigation content as the criteria of categorization. According to the theory,administration litigation can be categorized into the following three categories: annulment of a specific administrative act,compensation for infringement of the lawful rights and interests of a specific administrative counterpart,and verdict of whether a specific administrative act is legal or not.

    Principles of Criminal Intervention in Crime related Mass Incidents
    YUE Chen-zhong
    2014, 16(2):  84-90.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.015
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    Mass incidents is a social problem much concerned by the government and judiciary. It is urgent to deal with crimes related to mass incidents. Criminal intervention to crimerelated mass incidents is the function of criminal law. In dealing with crimes in mass incidents,the criminal intervention should not only follow the general principles,but also adhere to the principles based on the specific characteristics of mass incidents. For example,to appropriately settle crimerelated mass incidents,it is important to follow the principle of legality and example setting,the principle of bearing responsibility solely for one,the principle of conviction according to evidences and facts only,and the principle of appropriate exercise of legal discretion when imposing sentences.

    An Anthropological Interpretation of Homeland by Ethnic Writer,Wang Hua
    TAO Jun
    2014, 16(2):  116-120.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.02.020
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    Wang Hua,a woman writer from Gelao Nationality of Guizhou,sticks to the position of native folks and concerns the survival of villagers in Guizhou in her composition. Homeland,one of her novels,is about metaphysical thoughts and expression attempts for highlighting the humanistic value of rural culture. In an obscure manner,Homeland displays the value of traditional rural culture through a series of clashes and comparisons of Ansha culture and the outside culture. In this novel,people from Ansha,who did not treasure their own culture initially,finally recognize the value of traditional rural culture,in the process of moving to the outside and suffering torture,and thus,resolve to protect their culture in a magical and desperate way. Homeland shows Wang Hua has successfully achieved metaparadigms in her expression of traditional rural culture. Its characteristics are democratic and equal expressions of local culture,with reference to the “local knowledge”,“interpretation of anthropology”,“semiotics” and other means of cultural studies.