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    01 May 2014, Volume 16 Issue 3
    Party Committee Office, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu Sichuan, 610500
    LI Jie
    2014, 16(3):  13-16.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.003
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    This paper discusses the problems of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance in colleges and universities in terms of study style, effective administration, service consciousness and party spirit, providing a reference for the raising of awareness and the deep understanding of mass line campaign in colleges and universities. According to party secretary general Xi’s requirements of “cleaning up undesirable work style”, and the eight-point rules put forward by the CPC Central Committee, this paper also discusses the tasks of effectively promoting mass line campaign in colleges and universities, and defines its aims and lays a foundation for universities to organize effective mass liune campaign activities.

    Focusing on the “Four Trends”, Finding out the Exact Problems
    HOU Yong-gang, PENG Xiao-hua
    HOU Yong-gang PENG Xiao-hua
    2014, 16(3):  17-19.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.004
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    Finding out and verify the “four trends” problems (formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance) is an important preparation work in the party’s mass line education practice activities. In order to conduct the activity in an all-round way, the party committee of Southwest Petroleum University made a thorough investigation into the school’s prominent problems from nine aspects. Various ways and approaches were employed in the investigation. In the process of the investigation, the party committee designed various and effective patterns and methods of seeking advice with bottom-up and top-down methods combined. To ensure that the investigation result of “four trends” problems were accurate, the party committee sets the primary requirements, listed relevant responsibilities and conducted stringent supervision, carrying out the public satisfaction evaluation in the face-to-face and back-to-back way. Then they undertake a thorough cleaning up to the negative and insufficient attitudes and behaviors in education and administration work. The public satisfaction reached 97.9%, success in the first round of mass campaign has  accumulated experiences for the second round of the mass line education practice activities.

    Focusing on Solving Prominent Problems throughout the Mass Line Education and Practice Activity
    PENG Xiao-hua HOU Yong-gang
    2014, 16(3):  20-22.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.005
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    This paper gives a description of the mass line education practice activities concerning working style in Southwest Petroleum University from the three aspects: problem finding, working style improving and reinforcing. Problem finding is the preparation work which lays a solid foundation; working style improving focuses on problem solving and is the key to the success of mass line activity; working style reinforcing emphasizes establishing rules and regulations and therefore guarantees the smooth progress of the activities. And we hold that mass line education and practice activities should aim to solve the prominent problems in response to the demands of teachers and students, in a manner of learn-and-improve, check-and-advance. It is also important to seriously consider and implement the abolishment, improvement and establishment of regulations at all levels so as to establish an honest and upright image of serving teachers and students, and to ensure effectiveness of the mass line education and practice activities in universities.

    Holding High Quality Democratic Meetings, Planning Scientific Reform Work
    LIU Tai-yue
    2014, 16(3):  23-26.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.006
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    This paper describes the practice of democratic life in the first round of education and practice activity of the Party’s mass line in higher education institutions meetings. Four aspects: preparation before the meetings, criticism and self-critism during the meetings, advises given by supervision group on the issue of democratic meetings and solution of the problems after the democratic meeting. On the other hand, this paper concerns about what preparations should be done before the democratic meetings from such aspects as learning the essence of the documents, investigating and verifying the “Four Trends” problems, having sincere communication in depth, answering seriuosly to the demands of teachers and studetns. Meanwhile, in terms of the Party commitee and its members, the concrete manifestation of verifying the “Four Trends” problems is the efficiency of democratic meeting. Serious criticism and self-criticism, seeking truth from facts, analyzing deeply and speaking the truth during the democratic meetings guarantees approval by the supervision group. Finally, rectification and reform measures with clear target after the meeting are the result of democratic meeting of high quality.

    A Brief History of Tort Law
    — from the Perspective of its Function
    WU Ji-shu
    2014, 16(3):  50-59.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.011
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    The development of tort law has undergone the stages from retaliation to compensation, from single fault liability to all-round fault liability, and from absolute liability to relative liability and then to absolute liability again. Since the modern times, the statutory law emphasizes the importance of tort law in continental Europe; however, England and America have improved tort law based on the case law. In short, tort law has always played a role in restitution and in deterrence against crime, the major functions being different at different periods. At present, tort law centers on relieving victims and emphasizing compensation function.

    The Influence of Behavior Motivation on Conviction and Penalty Measurement  -A Discussion from the Perspective of Reasonable Expectation
    REN Yi
    2014, 16(3):  65-69.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.013
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    According to criminal law, the motivation definition is based on the process and type of behavior motivation, and the behavior motivation features a connection to criminal intent. Experts hold different views about the substance of reasonable expectation which stress the element of responsibility, personality responsibility and plots respectively. Among them, the view that stresses plots is the most acceptable. By analyzing the formation and types of behavior motivation and reasonable expectation, we found that there are close connections between behavior motivation and reasonable expectation. Namely, behavior motivations affect conviction and measurement of penalty by way of reasonable expectation. In general, behavior motivation can result in remission of conviction, but there also exceptions that can result in exoneration of conviction. 

    The Regulation of Apparent Agency Risks
    ZENG Xin-ming
    2014, 16(3):  79-83.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.016
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    As a marketable system of virtual image, apparent agency causes the lack of information and forms barriers to communication between the principal and relative person, and therefore, brings about great risks. Through an analysis from the perspective of economics and law, we determined that among three parties of apparent agency, the major obligations of preventing risks lie in the relative person. And by Hand formula, it is possible to measure the extent to which the relative person takes his obligations. What’s more, to realize the regulation of apparent agency, the principals and good-intended agents need more self-discipline, and government departments concerned should further improve market circumstances.

    The Cultural Turn of Contemporary Philosophy of Technology
    LIN Hui-yue CHEN Dan
    2014, 16(3):  84-88.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.017
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    The cultural turn of philosophy of technology is driven by the development of high technology, postmodernism, historicism of philosophy of science, and social culture. The context descriptivism and normative determinism are both accesses and methods of cultural turn for philosophy of technology. The cultural turn gives a new paradigm of philosophy of technology and broadens the research range of philosophy of technology. The cultural turn of philosophy of technology innovation will contribute to the construction of a resource-efficient and environment-friendly culture, and to the integration of economic, ecologic and humanity value of technology innovation.

    Studies on the Contributions of the Xie Clan’s Literature to
    the Theory of Artistic Conception
    ZHANG Hong-yong
    2014, 16(3):  89-92.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.018
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    There are many literary families in the Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties, of which the Xie Clan of Chen Commandery has the greatest literary achievements and influence, especially in terms of their originality in poetry that other prominent families cannot catch up. To some extent, the theory of artistic conception in Chinese literature is formed through landscape poems, which were almost all composed by the Xie Clan. The representative of Chinese landscape poems was Xie Lingyun, a member of the Xie Clan, which was followed by Xie Tiao who inherited and developed landscape poems. During the Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties, literary criticism standard was at the turning point from “strength of character” to “artistic conception”. When accomplishing the creation of landscape poems, the Xie Clan played a key role in the formation of the theory of artistic conception

    A Review of Researches on Lv Yuan's Poetry
    WANG Zhen
    2014, 16(3):  103-108.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.021
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    This paper makes a review of the researches on the poetry creation by Lv Yuan, a poet of the July School, from 1940s until now. The author analyzes researches on the poet from different perspectives, such as the periodic study, the integral study, the interpretation from special angles and the studies in view of literary history. And analysis reveals that the researches involve Lv Yuan’s grades of poetry and personality, from which we can see the poet constantly went beyond his early year style in his poetry composition due to his poetic ideal, and the accumulation of years of life experience. A general survey of his life-time poetry composition reveals that Lv Yuan’s thought of the poetry “for the people” never stops. Therefore, by reflecting and exploring Lv Yuan’s poetry in view of literary history, we can better understand the value of his poetry as well as the deficiencies in researches on his poetry.

    An analysis of the Formation and Incentive Mechanism of Professional Ethics
    of College Counselor
    ZHAO Hong
    2014, 16(3):  113-117.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.023
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     College counselors are a major part of the teaching faculties and administration personnel; they are the backbone of political education for college students. At present, the ideological and political education in colleges is faced with huge challenges brought by the diversity of college students’ quality and values. Thus it is urgent to construct a team of professionalized counselors. The construction and development of professional ethics is the precondition and important guarantee for counselors’ professional development. Through the analysis of the generating mode of counselors’ professional ethics, the author points out that the development  of counselors’ professional ethics is driven by the urgent need for the construction of a professional team of counselors, the loss of individual counselors’ occupational values in the process of social transformation, and the urgent needs for the healthy occupational development of individual counselor. On this basis, this paper tries to explore a proper incentive mechanism fit for the formation of professional ethics of college counselors so as to promote the sustainable professional development of them.

    A Study of Teaching Reform in Petroleum Universities
     in the Context of Informationization
    —An Investigation and Analysis of Student Role in Cyberspace in Southwest Petroleum University
    ZHANG Gui-li PU He-ping
    2014, 16(3):  118-126.  DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.03.024
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    The impact of information technology on social development is thorough and profound, and education circle is no exception. Our age has proposed new requirements to higher education as well as various possibilities to its revolution and development. Now is a turning point of educational informationization when infrastructure construction has made great achievements, and in-depth application, concept shifting and teaching reform are under way. Based on an investigation of student role in cyberspace in Southwest Petroleum University, we make an analysis of the teaching reform in petroleum universities in answer to the change of times from the viewpoint of informationization. By raising questions and proposing problem-solving ideas, we hope to provide a reference for the educational informationization in universities.