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    01 January 2015, Volume 17 Issue 1
    The Role of Petroleum Cooperation Between China and ASEAN
    in the Co-building of the Maritime Silk Road
    Luo Zuoxian Yang Guofeng Lu Xuemei Tan Yundong
    2015, 17(1):  1-8.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.11.05.01
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    The development and construction of the Maritime Silk Road have an extremely important strategic significance for
    economic and cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world. Strengthening the oil and gas cooperation between
    China and ASEAN is an important part of the construction and development of the Maritime Silk Road. Oil and gas cooperation
    between China and ASEAN has a history. At present,both sides share an interest in the Straits of Malacca and the South China
    Sea oil and gas channels. The construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,the ASEAN countries’ oil and gas production
    decline and the consumption rise and Chinese government stress on oil and gas cooperation with neighboring countries,etc.
    provide a good opportunity for the future of oil and gas cooperation to both sides. In order to promote oil and gas cooperation
    between China and ASEAN,it is necessary to take the following measures: maintaining close high-level exchanges,expanding
    government co-operations;strengthening the construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,increasing oil and gas investment
    in ASEAN countries,and continuing to explore new ways and new mechanism of South China Sea oil and gas cooperation and
    so on.

    Cooperation Strategies Between Chinese Oil Companies and Uzbekistan Oil and Gas Market
    Yu Guanjun Huang Jin Yan Yuchuan
    2015, 17(1):  9-13.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.08.02.02
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    Oil and gas resources are abundant in Uzbekistan,which are an important resources support for the construction
    after its independence. After the development strategy of One Belt and One Road(Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st
    Century Maritime Silk Road)was put forward,China and Uzbekistan will certainly have a closer relationship in energy interests.
    However,Chinese oil companies have encountered lots of difficulties when entering Uzbekistan market for the following
    reasons: underdeveloped Uzbekistan oil and gas in spite of its rich reserve,conservative politics and the unestablished market
    economic system. Therefore,it is necessary to explore the cooperation strategies between China and Uzbekistan by studying the
    characteristics of Uzbekistan market from the aspects of politics,social security and macro-economy operation and so on. This
    paper suggests that the cooperation between Chinese oil companies and Uzbekistan oil and gas market should start from opening
    up the oil and gas cooperation market by taking advantage of the friendly relationship among the governments,taking reasonable
    measures to avoid law traps,exploring various cooperation models,taking the initiative to assume social responsibilities and
    strengthening personnel training and reserve and so on.

    Research on Operation Model of Safety Management by Objective in
    Petroleum Enterprises
    Dong Jian - rong1 Yu Zheng Ding Run - hua Fang Chuan - zhuo
    2015, 17(1):  14-19.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.06.18.01
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    In recent years,security incidents happened occasionally in petroleum corporations,which have caused concern
    from all sectors of society. How to ensure production safety in oil enterprises is an important problem worth probing into. This
    paper expounds the significance of safety management in petroleum corporations. The authors hold that safety management is
    applying the methods of management by objective in production safety management. The application of system theory,control
    theory and incentive theory guarantee that safety managencent is carried out in a scientific and effective manner. By applying
    objective safety management,oil enterprises can enhance the economic benefit,improve safety management,and strengthen
    staff awareness of production safety. Petroleum corporations should establish safety objective network,carry out safety management
    by objective,and check the operation of safety management. To achieve the safety objective and hence the healthy and
    sustainable development,oil enterprises must enhance the organizational leadership,strengthen safety training,and improve
    the safety management system.

    Calculation Method and Application of EVA in Petroleum Enterprises
    Zheng Shou - chun Li Jin - ying
    2015, 17(1):  20-25.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.06.16.01
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    At present,performance evaluation method used by most petroleum enterprises is based on gross profit. However,
    this evaluation method has proved to have some disadvantages in practical application. It tends to result in blind pursuit of
    maximum profit without valuing long-term development,which makes management goal confused,accounting profit easily
    manipulated and the cost of capital ignored. Thus,according to the actual situation of petroleum enterprises,we need to introduce
    a performance evaluation method which can truly reflect corporate performance —EVA performance evaluation method.
    This paper starts with the basic principle of EVA performance evaluation,probes into relevant accounting item adjustment under
    the EVA evaluation method with empirical analysis method,and proves the practicability of EVA evaluation. Finally we
    present the five points oil enterprises should pay attention to when using EVA,that is,enterprises must meet the requirements
    of applying EVA,EVA evaluation can be promoted after pilot application in certain departments,the selection of the adjustment
    items should be flexible,the division of responsibility center should be correct and the evaluation should take important
    non-financial indicators into consideration.

    Some Thoughts on Constructing Employees Participation and
    Negotiation System
    Zheng Zhenhua Su Xuegang
    2015, 17(1):  31-37.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.08.12.02
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    In recent years,the conflicts between labor and management have been a cause of concern. And different theoretical
    interpretations and conceptions about system construction have been presented aiming to resolve the conflicts,among which are
    researches on the construction of employee participation. But few research keeps a watchful eye on Chinese social and cultural
    customs and market economy with Chinese characteristics. The opposite-unity relation between labor and management in
    China’s market economy context makes it possible to solve the problem through negotiations. System of employee participation
    and negotiation could solve the dispute flexibly through voluntary cooperation. So they could form a new harmonious win-win
    relationship which is fair and reasonable,normative and orderly.

    On the Fiduciary Duty of Shareholders in the Close Companies
    Ren Hui
    2015, 17(1):  62-68.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.07.29.02
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    It is universally acknowledged by the theories of modern corporation laws and practices in various countries that
    directors,supervisors and senior executives of a company shall assume the fiduciary duty to the company. However,due
    to the separation of modern companies’property ownership and management right and because of shareholders’limited duty,
    shareholders only take limited fiduciary duty. In close companies,the minority shareholders’decisions on investment or capital
    management are mainly based on trust. The controlling shareholders have to take their fiduciary duty accordingly when they
    make improper infringement to corporate property and the benefit of the minority shareholders. But there should be a reasonable
    restriction on their fiduciary duty. On the other hand,the minority shareholders also take fiduciary duty when they can exert
    influence on the decision-making of the company. The legal regulations on shareholders’fiduciary duty should keep a balance
    among all parties’benefits;or else,they would go against the healthy operation and development of the company and capital

    Acquisition of Chinese Directional Complements by Native Lao Speakers
    Qi Chun - hong
    2015, 17(1):  75-83.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.09.01.02
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    This paper redefines the acquisition criterion,and based on interlanguage corpus of Chinese,summarizes the acquisition
    sequence of Chinese directional complements(DCS)by native Lao speakers. Then,based on the overgeneralization
    theory,the author analyzes the types of errors and acquisition difficulties of DCS for native Lao speakers. A comparison between
    the acquisition sequence of native Lao speakers with that of other non-native speakers reveals that native Lao speakers
    acquire the“verb + location object + directional complement(original meaning)”structure earlier than other non-native speakers,
    which shows the non-linear acquisition of directional complements. The paper analyzes the types of acquisition difficulties
    of DCS for native Lao speakers which are as follows: 1. the overgeneralization of simple DCS instead of compound DCS,2.
    “dao(到)”acting as directional complement,3. avoiding using“ba(把)”sentences,4. the acquisition of sentence pattern
    “verb + location object + directional complement”,5. overgeneralization of similar complements,6. wrong order of object
    and compound DCS. In addition,this paper illustrates how to carry out targeted teaching and improve teaching efficiency with

    Changes of Late Qing Government in Foreign and Domestic Affairs
    After Yi Xin Assuming Power
    Pan Yun - cheng
    2015, 17(1):  92-97.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.06.02.02
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    he Beijing Coup in November,1861,started the political pattern that the two dowager empresses attended to state
    affairs and Prince Gong (Yi Xin ) complemented the policy. After assumed power,Yi Xin put Zeng Guofan,Li Hongzhang
    and other officers from Han nationality in the important positions. The power of inspectors were strengthened,which led to the
    downward movement of central power,and thus the consequence of“inspectors holding the power of local reign actually”.
    Yi Xin also advocated the Westernization Movement which contributed to the formation of modern industry and capitalism in
    China. The improvement of relationship between Qing government and foreign countries enabled the suppression of the Taiping
    Movement. The establishment of Foreign Affairs Ministery and Embassies changed the traditional self-centered diplomatic
    concept of China,which marked the beginning of the Chinese modern diplomacy.

    On the Scientific Nature of People-oriented Harmonious
    Ecological Outlook
    Luo Shun - yuan
    2015, 17(1):  98-103.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.05.30.01
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    People-oriented harmonious ecological outlook contains two indivisible dimensions:“people first”in the field of
    human society and“human-nature”integration when dealing with the relationship between them. To put people first is not only
    a self-evident demand but an inheritance and advancement of excellent civilization achievement. In nature,regarding“humannature”
    as a whole is the demand for man’s self-development as well as the requirement of the ecological system evolution.
    Holding the harmonious people-oriented ecological view is not only the requirement of Chinese characteristic socialism construction,
    but the necessity of pushing forward human civilization. History has proved that not putting people first and ignoring
    the environmental conservation would only lead to the devolution of civilization.

    Interpersonal Ethics,Social Ceremony and National Order
    ——the Political Socialization of the Confucian Scholar Class
    Zhang Zheng - zhou
    2015, 17(1):  104-108.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2014.05.30.01
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    Through the study of Confucian classics and the practice of social ceremony,Confucian scholars completed their
    preliminary political socialization,then they passed the imperial examinations into the literary intelligentsia and eventually
    became a loyal member of the bureaucratic system. Such political socialization process fully explained the internal supporting
    factors of the super-stable structure of ancient Chinese society. We can also get at the roots in the process of why the modern
    Chinese society is so weak that the Chinese civilization cannot withstand the impact of western civilization. Through studies
    about the political socialization of the Confucian scholar class,we can find the role,the function and the externality of the
    “Confucian scholar—scholar-bureaucrat—bureaucracy”structure in generating and maintaining the super stable structure of the
    patriarchal clan integration in ancient Chinese society. On such basis,we discuss the value and paradox of the Confucius’theory
    of state (political Confucianism),which serves as the national ideology and the Confucian ethics (cultural Confucianism),which
    serves as the operation principles of everyday life,trying to uncover something worth absorbing in Confucianism to enhance
    the weakening influence of traditional culture. We believe that,when taking reference from the political socialization of the
    Confucian scholar class,we can eventually build up a reasonable political morality system by mixing modern political ethic
    and the spirit of the rule of law into the large-scale,diffusing political socialization of modern society.