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    01 May 2016, Volume 18 Issue 3
    On the Regulation Approaches of the Development of the American Shale Gas
    Ou Jun
    2016, 18(3):  27-33.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.11.23.01
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    Shale gas development is a significant matter in the energy revolution. Due to comprehensive effect of technology, business model,policy,law and other factors,the shale gas development in America has made revolutionary progress. As there exist risks in shale gas development,the U.S. has carried out a series of measures in regulation. From the perspective of the regulatory principles,it emphasizes risk prevention,comprehensive regulation,public participation and focus block. The regulatory supervision is carried out by federal,state and local governments respectively,with state government playing a dominant role. The emphasis of regulation work is on public safety,environmental protection,resource development efficiency, and local community interest protection,etc. Based on this,a complicated system was designed. To enhance supervision over shale gas development in China,we need not only learn from the American experiences,but also make clear our supervision objective,lay down basic principles,and improve the top-level design to develop an institutionalized model.

    US Shale Gas Revolution and China’s Countermeasures
    Lu Wengang Huang Xiaozhen
    2016, 18(3):  34-39.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.04.06.01
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    The US“Shale Gas Revolution”has not only changed the structure of energy demand in America,but also had a profound effect on the international energy order. After the shale gas revolution,the US developed into the first natural gas producer and became less dependent on import,which in turn has produced both positive and negative effects on the global energy system. In such context,China must take corresponding measures to ensure national energy security: establishing and improving the coordination mechanisms to support the development and optimization of the shale gas industry development policy,setting up diversified oil pricing system,improving technical support to shale gas development,and perfecting shale gas market mechanism .

    A Multi-dimensional Review of Researches on Vocational Guidance in China: its Focuses and Tendency ----Based on Co-word Matrix and Bibliometric
    Deng Hong Zhou Baoling
    2016, 18(3):  56-63.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.02.23.02
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    With the employment market situation becoming increasingly severe,employment promotion has become widely concerned social issue,and vocational guidance is getting increasingly important and urgent. This paper,based on 837 articles about career guidance from core journals,tries to probe into the potential hot spots for future vocational guidance studies by means of high frequency key words analysis,cluster analysis,factor analysis and social network analysis. And the study finds that the current vocational guidance researches focus on studies on vocational guidance theories at home and abroad,on vocational guidance practice,multidisciplinary theory about vocational guidance,and on entrepreneurship education and guidance. The future trend of vocational guidance researches may include career education in primary and middle schools,revolution and innovation of vocational guidance patterns,the emphasis of employee-ability and employment-quality,vocational guidance in secondary vocational schools,and specialization of vocational guidance.

    A Discussion on the Protection of Genetic Inheritance Rights of In Vitro Embryos---- A Comment on the Frozen Embryo Case in Wuxi,Jiangsu
    Yang Suiquan Li Zaozao
    2016, 18(3):  64-71.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.03.12.01
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    As a product of the advancement of modern medical science and technology,in vitro embryo has changed human’s reproduction system but also caused a series of legal problems that need to be solved. Through critical reflections about the theories of subject,object and intermediary,this thesis reveals the personality interests of in vitro embryos from the perspective of ethics,jurisprudence and comparative law. Then,this thesis defines the in vitro embryo as the object of genetic inheritance rights. On such basis,the author concludes that it is necessary to inspect the adjudication of frozen embryo case in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Moreover,we must establish a legal system to protect the inheritance rights of in vitro embryos and improve the remedy measures for the infringement upon the inheritance rights.

    An Analysis of the Criminal Regulation and Theory Development and Generation Mechanism of Continual Offences
    Mo Xiaoyu Li Hao
    2016, 18(3):  72-81.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.02.18.01
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    In China’s criminal law,continual offence is defined as the offence committed by the perpetrator in a certain period of time after he has been meted out twice or more administrative penalties by administrative authorities for committing the offence several times. At present,continual crime is applied to more than a dozen of crimes in China’s criminal law. However,criminal law scholars have yet reached consensus about this phenomenon,and there is few studies on continual crimes. The concept of continual crime is the result of social and economic development and criminal justice practice. There was no clear definition about continual crimes in the first Criminal Code of new China Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China enacted in 1979. But after that,regulations about this type of crime were seen in a number of specific criminal laws and judicial interpretations;the 1997 version of criminal law absorbed related content of the above mentioned specific criminal laws and judicial interpretations,and the later criminal law amendments and judicial interpretations finally led to a more mature definition about continual crimes. Continual crime constitute a new type of crime mode which differs from consequential crime and potential damage offense due to its social harmfulness of serious violation of law interests and the need for crime prevention in the period of national transformation and due to the greater difficulty in fighting against such kind of crimes.

    Keeping Silence as Speaking: Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra Interpretation of the Paradoxes of Speaking
    Zhang Peigao Li Meng
    2016, 18(3):  92-97.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.11.11.02
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    The relationship between language and Metaphysics is an important philosophical topic in Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra. Vimalakirti Nirdesa thinks that the way to express the unspeakable such as the dharma character is to use special methods (including“saying according to the thing itself”,“saying with specious or figurative language”,“saying with body language”,and“saying with silence”). The first method isn’t speaking ordinary language but explaining by dharma itself. The second can not only break the boundary of phenomenon and ontology to combine each other,but also make full use of analytical thinking and imagination to help you out of a bind. The third is different from indirect statement,in which listeners needn’t introspect and imagine and can directly face the thing itself. Silence is not equal to not speaking since there are two types of silence: not being able to speak and being able to speak but keeping silence instead. Vimalakirti Nirdesa’s silence is the second type: understanding the unspeakable and expressing his thought in silence.

    Theory Establishment and Practice Promotion of Theme-centered Educational Activities in Ideological and Political Course ----A“Point-Line-Plane”Model
    Liu Lvhong
    2016, 18(3):  105-110.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.12.29.01
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    “Point-line-Plane”is a model of theme-centered educational practice in ideological and political course,in which “point”is the core,“line”extends in length and breadth,and“plane”is expansion. When an educational activity progresses from“point”to“plane”,problem oriented micro-module is formed and integrated according to system theory,and the educational activity gradually develops into an integration of“point,line,and plane”,which advances on the whole with overall participation. This mode unifies theory teaching and practice teaching and integrates process evaluation and result evaluation and thus transform from single advancement to overall involvement of students,teachers and instructional assistants through the interaction and transformation of teaching objective,theoretical system,teaching materials,teaching system and value system. This mode conforms to the teaching reform of systematic design and overall promotion,and can further deepen the reform of teaching methods of ideological and political course.