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    01 March 2017, Volume 19 Issue 2
    Political Game in the Context of Oil and Gas Competition and Cooperation in Central Asia and China's Countermeasures
    Lin Peiyuan
    2017, 19(2):  1-7.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.12.20.01
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    Oil and gas resources is of a strategic significance. As the Central Asian region is abundant in oil and gas resources and is of important geopolitical advantage,the United States,Russia and other countries have competed against and cooperated with each other in the development of oil and gas in the area. However, the political game between countries is reflected in the oil and gas competition and cooperation. In such context, China needs to keep a balanced relation with the United States and with Russia in developing oil and gas in Central Asia countries. China also needs to play an emphasis on the interest demands of India and Japan in oil and gas cooperation with Central Asia countries. Only by giving a full play in the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and by making the best use of Shanghai Cooperation Organization,can China ensure the effective promotion of its energy strategy.
    Reflections on the Development of Oil Engineering Technical Service Industry Under the Context of Low Oil Prices
    Zhang Shuying, Zhang Wenwen, Zhang Qiwei
    2017, 19(2):  8-15.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.11.17.09
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    The falling of crude oil price in the global market brings a heavy blow to the global oil industry and petroleum engineering technology service industry. By analyzing on-shore and off-shore drilling contractors and international oilfield service companies,this paper summarizes existing problems in the operation and development of global oil service industry at present, and the measures relevant companies and oil service industry have taken in the context of low oil prices, and we conclude that China's government and universities should provide greater technical support for the petroleum engineering technology service industry,that enterprises should focus on technology and management innovation,reforming the state-ownership in the industry into mixed ownership, and that the industry must take the opportunity of development in the "Internet+" era so as to meet the requirements of internationalization.
    A Review of the Status Quo of Researches on Targeted Poverty Alleviation
    Xia Shuming, Wu Xiaoyan
    2017, 19(2):  31-37.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.12.28.01
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    Since the 18th National Congress, the Party Central Committee and the State Department have carried out toplevel strategic designing for alleviation of rural poverty. Targeted poverty alleviation has major realistic significance to China's economic and social development,and profound theoretical significance to the construction and improvement of China's poverty alleviation system. Currently, studies on poverty alleviation are mainly focused on its connotation, predicament, causes of problems, solutions, experience and lessons etc., and have laid foundation for further researches. We hold that further studies should be made on the value orientation, connotation direction, perspective conversion, system optimization and grassroots governance in poverty alleviation. Only with continuing advancement in theoretical studies on targeted poverty alleviation,can we promote the practice.
    Improvement of Inspection System in Terms of Legitimacy of Administrative Decision in China
    Li Guidong, Qin Yue
    2017, 19(2):  50-55.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.08.19.03
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    Law-based governance of the country is an important principle that should be abided by in administration. In administrative decision making, we must adhere to the principle of law-based governance of the country through the improvement of inspection system of the legitimacy of administrative decision so as to achieve legality,science and democracy in administrative decision. At present, the subject, content and procedures of the administrative decision are arbitrary and unitary. The main reason is that the subject of administrative decision is influenced by the traditional way of governance and that the inspection system of the legitimacy of administrative decision is imperfect. We should actively promote the innovation of administrative management by clearly defining the administrative decision subject, inspecting the authority of administrative decision, standardizing the content of administrative decision, and perfecting the procedures of administrative decision, and thus advance harmonious development, and ensure law-based administration of government and law-based governance of the country.
    Intellectual Property Right Protection of Sports Programs
    Wang Yuan, Zhao Shiqiao
    2017, 19(2):  56-62.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.12.11.03
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    In recent years, as the sports industry is developing, cases of infringement related to sports programs, especially "pirate cases" of sports programs are increasing. The primary reason for such cases is the absence of legislation about sports events in China's Copyright Law. According to Locke's property of labor, utilitarian theories and Rousseau's society theory, and based on analysis of the object properties of originality and replicability which are protected by Copyright Law, sports programs should be protected by Copyright Law. As a result,during the third modification of the Copyright Law,the legislator should make clear regulations on the copyright of sports program which should be protected, and categorize sports programs as "audiovisual works" like cinematographic works and works created by virtue of the analogous method of film production. In this way, piracy of sports program can be stopped from the source.
    Transition of Perspective in Marxism Theory Education——Reflections Based on Indoctrination Theory and Acceptance Theory
    Liao Xiaoqin, Li Jie
    2017, 19(2):  63-68.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.01.08.01
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    Indoctrination theory is an important part of Marxism, and also a major method which is often used in Marxism education. However,there are many problems in the practice of indoctrination theory. For example,the gradual increasing subject consciousness has brought massive impacts on indoctrination theory; the openness and diversification of ideology present new requirements for the diversity of content of indoctrination; continuously updating high-technology has brought serious challenges to the improvement and innovation of means of indoctrination. The acceptance theory has brought methodology reform to Marxism education, shifting from emphasis on the educators to regarding the education recipients as the subject. In Marxism education,traditional indoctrination should interacts with acceptation,highlighting the important role of the education recipients, making education and teaching a two-way interaction that works together to reach the goals of Marxism education.
    A Study on Collection of Poems by Cang Xue of the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty
    Qiao Lizhi, Zheng Shaohui
    2017, 19(2):  74-79.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.11.04.01
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    Buddhist literature is an integral part of Chinese literature,thus the research on it is of great significance in boosting the study of Chinese literary history. Cang Xue marked the highest peak among the monk poets of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. And the systematic collection and in-depth studies of his poems are not only important in studies and collections of Buddhist literature, but also support the studies on culture and literature history in Yunnan. Although certain achievements has been made in the study on Cang Xue since the 1940s, it is still worthwhile to further the studies on Cang Xue, especially studies on the chronology and the collation of his poems, and the notes or commentary on his poems, considering his great contributions to Buddhist poetry and literature in his time. The study on the chronology should make comprehensive textual research based on previous researches. The collation research could be carried out on the basis of the version by Wang Peisun. Researches on the notes or commentary on Cang Xue's poems should focus on the "literary quotations","metapyhsics or Zenism allegories" and "folk adage and obscure wording".
    Researches on the Initial Consonants of Archaic Chinese by Zhang Taiyan
    Xu Liangyue
    2017, 19(2):  80-84.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.11.27.02
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    Zhang Taiyan, the master of traditional Chinese phonology in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, not only contributed greatly to the classification of vowels of Chinese, but also made a lot of discoveries in the initial consonants of archaic Chinese. Zhang's research, based on Qian Daxin's, had his own features. In his research on archaic initial consonants of Chinese, Zhang for the first time advanced the twenty-one initial consonants system, and explicated their relationship. Zhang's research on the archaic initial consonants of Chinese formed an integral system with his research on archaic vowels of Chinese. Zhang's theory of "the origin of Chinese Language" and of "the borrowing and transforming of Chinese words",and his researches on Chinese phonology together laid a foundation for etymology theory research and for his later works on the origin of words.
    A Study of the Narrative Strategies by Women Directors of the Post-70s Generation
    Du Xuan
    2017, 19(2):  92-98.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.12.19.01
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    The application of narrative strategy in films is an important demonstration of film directors' thoughts. This thesis studies the transformation of narrative strategies by post-70s female directors from the perspective of description, clues, and space. The result shows that in the early and later period of film making, their narrative strategies changed radically. The narrative perspective turned from the edge characters to the public figures, the narrative clue from single line to multiline, and narrative space changed from closed spaces to open ones. These changes adapt to the commercialization of the film market, which brings great economic benefits to the female directors of the post-70s generation. But further researches are needed on whether the foothold of the film reflects the inspiration of the feminist ideology and the self-awakening of the female consciousness.