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    01 July 2024, Volume 26 Issue 4
    The Path of Developing CO$_2$ Flooding Technology in China
    PANG Min, ZHANG Yichang
    2024, 26(4):  1-9.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2023.11.17.01
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    Climate change has brought serious challenges to the development of human society. CO$_2$ flooding, a technology that can effectively improve oil recovery and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, is of great significance in ensuring national energy security, in creating social and economic value, and in realizing ecological and environmental goals, and is the major measure for China to achieve the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. In China, CO$_2$ flooding technology application has broad prospects, but large-scale application takes time. Global low-carbon cooperation and energy market transformation provide opportunities for China to develop CO$_2$ flooding technology, but they also bring challenges of high economic costs and environmental risks. In the future, to fully develop and promote CO$_2$ flooding technology, China needs to build an industrial legal system, promote technological research and innovation, improve cooperation mechanisms, and improve environmental risk management.
    Influence Mechanism of Educational Input on Permanent Transfer of Rural Labor——An Analysis Based onProvincial Panel Data
    MA Guangwei, LI Pengshi, WANG Fang
    2024, 26(4):  10-18.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.01.07.01
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    Orderly promotion of the permanent transfer of rural labor is a key to the successful implementation of China's rural revitalization strategy. Based on the maximization of social income, a dynamic analysis model of the permanent transfer of rural population is constructed to explore the mechanism of the impact of education input on the permanent transfer of rural labor force in China. The results show that education level is the decisive factor for rural labor to settle in urban areas, and education input has a significant positive impact on the transfer of rural labor; permanent transfer driven by household registration policy instead of by education input, may lead to inefficient urbanization; strengthening education investment, especially rural education investment, is an effective way to drive permanent transfer rural labor under the background of new urbanization. At present, we should actively promote the permanent transfer of rural labor by increasing public education input, reforming higher education admission policy, restraining urban inflation, developing secondary and tertiary industries in urban areas.
    Factors Influencing Chinese Resident Consumption Level in the Context of Domestic Economic Cycle——An Analysis with Spatial Dubin Model
    LI Baohua, QI Xinyi
    2024, 26(4):  19-29.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2023.06.11.01
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    It is pointed out on the 20th CPC National Congress that it is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to a high-standard opening-up, and to accelerate the establishment of a“dual circulation”development pattern in which domestic economic cycle plays a leading role with domestic and overseas markets complementing each other. Demand-side reform plays a role that cannot be ignored in the new development pattern, and improving the consumption level of Chinese residents is the focus of the reform. By using the panel data of 31 provinces in China from 2013 to 2021 to build a spatial Dubin econometric model we analyze the factors influencing resident consumption, and find that improving resident income, urbanization and medical treatment can not only promote the consumption level of residents in the province, but also drive the consumption level of residents in neighboring provinces. Therefore, under the new development pattern of domestic circulation in China, consumption level of Chinese residents will be improved by continuing to promote urbanization, and to narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents, and by enhancing and optimizing the social security system.
    Policy research on offshore trade development of Hainan Free Trade Port
    WANG Hui, WANG Zhexuan
    2024, 26(4):  30-39.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2023.08.28.02
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    Offshore trade, as a new mode of trade with high added value in foreign trade activities, is imperative to promote the development of new forms of offshore trade when Hainan Free Trade Port is closed. Firstly, the concept, characteristics and types of offshore trade are systematically analyzed, and it is concluded that the improvement of offshore trade service system, the reduction of tax level, the relaxation of foreign exchange control and the establishment of financial market supervision system are important conditions for the continuous promotion of offshore trade development. Then, from the perspective of policy, and with reference to the successful experience of existing international free trade ports in developing offshore trade, the policy effect is visualized. Finally, it is suggested that Hainan Free Trade Port should pay more attention to the combination of offshore trade with the three goals of improving the government service level, optimizing the business environment and strengthening professional supervision, and should give priority to building an excellent integrated service platform for offshore trade. Centering on the design of tax system, the reform of foreign exchange management mode and the improvement of financial supervision, the policy framework should be established to speed up the development of offshore trade.
    A Review of Studies on the CPC's Historical Confidence
    DUAN Li
    2024, 26(4):  40-46.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2023.11.27.02
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    “Historical confidence”is an important political concept clearly put forward by the CPC, and“firm historical confidence”is another important political declaration made by the CPC in the new era to realize its historical mission. Academic studies on“historical confidence”has gone throughthe development process from scratch to in-depth studies.The studies are mainly thorough discussion around the definition, origin, content and deepening of historical confidence, the research results mainly focusing on the theoretical connotation, generating development, value significance, cultivating path, etc. Studies in the future should be deepened with focus on the mission and task in the new era and on the new journey, enhancing the theoretical rationality and system of the historical confidence research with theoretical interpretation, enhancing the practical validity of the historical confidence research with problem orientation, and expanding the disciplinary vision of the historical confidence research through multidisciplinary integration.
    Initiation, Evolution, and Experience: An Analysis of the CPC's Revolutionary Discourse from the Perspective of Resolving Principal Social Contradictions
    LIU Shuibo, WANG Yong
    2024, 26(4):  47-54.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.03.10.01
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    The revolutionary thought and practice of the authors of Marxist classics had a profound influence on the revolutionary discourse of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which initiates the CPC's revolutionary discourse, laying the foundation and providing guidance for the early revolutionary discourse of the CPC. In order to guide the resolution of the principal social contradictions of revolution, construction, reform and in the new era, the CPC's revolutionary discourse has undergone the semantic evolution of“the appearance of the original meaning—the extension of the meaning—the opening up of the new meaning”, and has realized the self-upgrading from“violent revolution”to“construction”and“reform”and then to“leading the social revolution through self-revolution”. In this process, CPC's revolutionary discourse has accumulated experiences in the generation and application of discourse, such as the principle of seeking truth from facts, the problem-oriented method, the honest and innovative mindset, and the style of being close to the masses, which can provide reference for the construction of revolutionary discourse in the new era that guides the resolution of principal social contradictions in the new era and serves the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
    Theoretical Contributions and Practical Directions of Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought
    FAN Bowen, BI Hongmei
    2024, 26(4):  55-62.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.01.19.01
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    Xi Jinping's cultural thought is part of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. The generation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought is embedded with a scientific mechanism, which follows the scientific content of Marxist cultural theory, takes root in the heritage of excellent traditional Chinese culture, crystallizes the wisdom of the Communist Party of China in its century-long cultural construction, and absorbs the beneficial essence of the world's excellent civilization achievements. Xi Jinping's cultural thought has greatly enriched and developed Marxist cultural theory, has given systematic and scientific answers to the major issues of the Party's leadership in cultural construction in the new era, and has demonstrated the unique contribution of“Chinese wisdom”to the world's civilization advancement. These original contributions have made it clear that cultural construction on the new journey should strengthen the Party's overall leadership of publicity, ideology and culture, build a strong socialist ideology, consolidate the people's subjective position in cultural construction, and take up the new cultural mission in practice.
    Judicial Practice of the Crime of Aiding Information Network Criminal Activities
    WANG Zhigang, XU Yaqiong
    2024, 26(4):  63-74.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2023.04.13.04
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    After the crime of aiding information network criminal activities was listed in the Criminal Law in 2015, many court rulings have been made in judicial practice. Scholars hold that such rulings are against the principle of necessity of criminal law. Based on 100 sample cases, the two views of“light punishment for felony”and“excessive expansion”about the rulings in practice are analyzed, and we found that in practice, the determination of“knowingly”is not clear, there is a dispute over the determination of the crime of concealing illegal gaining, and that the applicable standards of criminal punishment are not unified. In this regard, we make targeted suggestions making efforts for clear definition of“knowingly”, for distinguishing this crime from the crime of concealing illegal gaining, and for unified standards for the application of criminal punishments, so as to achieve effective governance of relevant cybercrimes.
    An Analysis of the Necessity of Workers' Rights to Disconnect in the Digital Era
    LU Rongjie
    2024, 26(4):  75-81.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.03.13.03
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    Digital technology has brought huge economic benefits to employers, but it has also fostered a“work anywhere”culture, particularly in online platform employment. Different from the traditional employment in the real world, the network platform employment has the characteristics of“24-hour online accessibility”, which exposes the network platform workers to risks of the blurring of limits between work and rest time, the difficulty to guarantee fair employment right, and the erosion of the right to life and health. The“right to disconnect”is the derivative right, which is a new manifestation of workers’right to rest in the digital era. To guarantee network platform laborers’“right to disconnect”for the vision of better digital life for all laborer, clause concerning“right to disconnect”can be added through the legislation, and distinguishing principle can be introduced, so that digital workers’right to choose is respected to safeguard the establishment of the form of implementation of the“right to disconnect”through negotiation between the laborer and the employer.
    Cultivating Socialist Core Values in Public Physical Education Courses in Universities
    XIE Yuping
    2024, 26(4):  82-89.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.05.27.01
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    Integrating socialist core value education in public physical education courses in colleges and universities has a profound impact on the deepening and internalization of the socialist core values of college students, promoting the reform and innovation of public physical education in universities, deepening students’sense of social responsibility and on contributing to their personal growth and social progress. Currently public physical education courses in universities is facing some dilemmas: the integration of physical education teaching and socialist core value education is not adequate; the awareness of public physical education teachers of socialist core value education needs to be improved; and the standards for socialist core value education evaluation needs to be refined. To improve the integration of physical education teaching and socialist core value education, it is necessary to integrate socialist core value education into the entire process of curriculum design and implementation by building an "event group training + core value education" system for public physical education courses in universities, and by constructing a three-dimensional“general + specific”resource system for socialist core value education in physical education courses so as to optimize socialist core value education in public physical education courses in universities.
    Communist Party of China in Promoting Sci-tech Self-Reliance and Self-improvement: Progress, Characteristics and Experiences
    YANG Fan
    2024, 26(4):  90-98.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.04.11.01
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    Self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology is not only the foundation of national prosperity, but also the key to national security. In the Party's century-old history, the process of self-reliance in science and technology has gone through the period of embryonic beginning, initial exploration, formation and development, and maturity and improvement. In the process, the science and technology strategy progresses from“learning and imitation”to“independent innovation”, from“government domination”to“cross-sector coordination”and from“single policy”to“multi-policy combinations”. In the progress of sci-tech self-reliance and self-improvement, the following experiences take shape: the Party’s leadership being the fundamental guarantee, developing for the people being the fundamental position, sci-tech talent cultivation being the key approach, and following an independent path being the basic strategy.
    Nourishing Education of Ideals and Convictions with Excellent Traditional Culture
    XU Keqiong, WU Shuorui
    2024, 26(4):  99-106.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2023.12.26.01
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    Nourishing the education of ideals and convictions for young people with the excellent traditional Chinese culture is the need to break through the shackles of the development of ideal and conviction education at the present stage, and also the need to promote the innovation and development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and enhance confidence in national culture. This paper starts from the compatibility between the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the education of ideals and convictions for young people, and analyzes the integration of the educational values and the goals of the two. The rich connotation of the excellent traditional Chinese culture is conducive to forging the foundation of ideal and belief education for young people, among which political wisdom helps young people identify with political ideals, the concept of harmony helps young people understand moral ideals, and the concept of make positive aspiration for life helps young people build personal ideals. The wisdom of educating people in the excellent traditional Chinese culture helps to improve the effectiveness of ideal and conviction education for young people, and forms a synergy between culture and education by adhering to scientific education methods, stimulating the subjective consciousness of education objects, and optimizing the moral education atmosphere and the external environment.
    The Origin and Essence of Deglobalization
    CHEN Jinxiao
    2024, 26(4):  107-116.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2024.04.18.01
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    Faced with the great changes in the balance of international power and the low resilience of world economy, developed countries are attempting to escape the current dilemma through a series of deglobalization measures. Exploring the essential connection between the cyclical swings of trade policy and the cyclical crises of capitalism is the basic premise for examining the essence of the deglobalization. To maintain their ruling, the capitalist class often tends to alleviate real contradictions through partial adjustment to production relations, and the deglobalization movement is essentially a partial adjustment made by the capital in the face of new development dilemmas. The solidification of interest distribution and the tendency of capital to seek value lowlands have become important factors troubling the further development of many countries, and also an important reason for people in various countries to voice their opposition to globalization. The deglobalization appears to be a means for the Western developed capitalist countries to maintain their hegemonic status, but in essence, it is an inevitable result of the inability of the capitalist system to resolved its malady on a global scale, and is a practical response and external manifestation of the basic contradictions of capitalism.