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    01 May 2024, Volume 26 Issue 3
    Theoretical Reflections on the Environment Construction for Integration of Ideological and Political Education in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Schools
    FENG Gang, MEI Ke
    2024, 26(3):  1-8.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.03.20.08
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    Promoting high quality environment construction is crucial to the practice of ideological and political education in primary, secondary and tertiary schools. Environment construction for ideological and political education integration in primary, secondary and tertiary schools bears the characteristics of unity of integrity and systematicness, concurrence of comprehensiveness and collaboration, fusion of reality and virtuality, but on the other hand faces difficulties and challenges at micro, medium and macro levels. Therefore, it is necessary to give full play to the macro environment to guarantee and enhance the scientific, continuous and long-term effect of policies and systems by building a continuous, efficient and collaborative operating environment so that morality education runs through primary, secondary and tertiary education and guarantees the all-around development of all students. It also necessary to cultivate a cultural environment that integrate culture with morality education and promote interaction of ideological and political courses. Thirdly, we must strengthen network governance and create a network environment conducive to the growth of students at all levels, so as to push forward the practice of ideological and political education integration in primary, secondary and tertiary schools.
    Operation Mode Optimization and Incentive Mechanism of Hydrogen Energy Storage Power Station
    ZHANG Rongda, ZHANG Qingbin, GAO Rui
    2024, 26(3):  9-17.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.06.16.03
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    Hydrogen energy storage, with its advantages of low storage cost and low self-discharge rate, is highly suitable for seasonal energy storage. However, the low profitability of commercial operation hinders its development. This article first lists various commercial models of hydrogen energy storage. By using a mixed integer linear programming model, the optimal installation capacity and revenue of each unit under different commercial models are calculated. The optimal commercial model and relevant planning methods for hydrogen energy storage are obtained. Furthermore, based on technological advancements, the time when hydrogen energy storage can achieve commercial profitability is predicted. The study finds that hydrogen energy storage stations can achieve maximum profits through electricity price arbitrage, hydrogen sales, and the construction of renewable energy sources. When the upper limit of electricity price is 2.56 CNY/kW·h, hydrogen energy storage can achieve breakeven. Considering the cost reduction from technological advancements, hydrogen energy storage can achieve commercial profitability between 2030 and 2037. Additionally, the decrease in hydrogen fuel cell costs has the greatest impact on the pro fitability of hydrogen energy storage systems. Based on these findings, we propose to accelerate the development of electricity spot markets, improve market entry regulations related to hydrogen energy storage, and strengthen the development of hydrogen fuel cells, and thereby promote the rapid development of hydrogen energy storage industry.
    The Focus of Telling Stories of Chinese System in the New Era
    GUO Chao
    2024, 26(3):  18-26.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.03.11.01
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    To guide the people to deeply understand the advantages of Chinese national system and continuously strengthen their confidence in the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to carry out publicity and education by telling the story of Chinese system. The story contains truth, and telling a good story about the Chinese system is to tell the truth behind the story, the focus of which lies in telling why the Chinese system works, where its characteristics lie, where its advantages lie, and what are its advantages. In this regard, it is necessary to explain the fundamental attribution of why the Chinese system “works” from the guidance of Marxist theory, the nourishment of excellent traditional Chinese institutional culture, and the reference of the achievements of excellent world institutional civilization; we need to explain the core characteristics of Chinese system from the aspects of political characteristics, value characteristics, practical characteristics, and spiritual characteristics; we should explain the advantages of the Chinese system in terms of centralized and unified leadership of the Party, adherence to the principle of the people being the masters of the country, adherence to comprehensive rule of law, and concentration of efforts to accomplish major tasks; we should talk about the main embodiment of the “good” of Chinese system from the aspects of the advanced nature of the system concept, the scientificity of the system, and the excellence of the system performance.
    The Focal Points of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Telling the Story of Whole-Process People's Democracy in the New Era
    ZHANG Li, LIAO Jing
    2024, 26(3):  27-33.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.03.26.04
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    Whole-process people's democracy is the political theory innovation in socialist democracy, and it is an important mission for teachers of ideological and political theory courses to tell the story of whole-process people's democracy in the new era. Teachers in colleges and universities should take the initiative to undertake the duty of telling the story of whole-process people's democracy and deeply understand “why”, “what” and “how” to tell the story of whole-process people's democracy. We must focus on the historical thickness, strategic height, practical temperature and theoretical depth in telling the story of whole-process people's democracy, so as to balance between “going back to the text” and “connecting with the reality” in the instructional design, between “telling” and “not telling” in the narrative method, between “traditional” and “modern” technology in the use of teaching media, and between “imparting knowledge” and “cultivating people” in value guidance, so as to establish a correct view of democracy in young college students.
    The Controversy Between Ancient and Modern China and the West: A Two-Dimensional Architecture for Understanding Chinese-Style Modernization
    CUI Fazhan, HUANG Rongqin
    2024, 26(3):  34-40.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.12.06.01
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    Chinese-style modernization entails controversies in two dimensions: the ancient and modern controversy, and the East and West controversy. “Chinese style” mainly answers the question of why this “modernization” is Chinese and why it is not Western, which is a powerful response to the East and West controversy; “Modernization” mainly answers the question of why this” Chinese style “is modern and why it is not ancient, which is a powerful response to the ancient and the modern controversy. The reason why Chinese-style modernization is able to effectively break the “ancient-modern-China-West controversy” is that the CPC has continuously deepened its theoretical knowledge and practical creation of combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture during its century-long history, and has adhered to the principles of combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture. Adhering to Marxism as the guidance, the excellent traditional Chinese culture as the base, the Communist Party of China as the leader, and the people as the support, we have balzed a path to socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics.
    Construction of International Discourse System for Chinese Path to Modernization
    NIE Lei, XU Xiaoli
    2024, 26(3):  41-48.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.02.21.01
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    With the effectiveness and development characteristics of Chinese path to modernization, the construction of the international discourse system for Chinese path to modernization has become an urgent problem to be solved. To construct the international discourse system, we must focus on the fundamental question of “why” by examining the domestic and foreign situation of discourse for Chinese path to modernization, and take the opportunities and challenges of the construction of the international discourse system; To answer the question of “what”, we must aim at the basic characteristics of Chinese path to modernization and extract the core discourses like national conditions discourse, value discourse, social discourse, ecological discourse, communication discourse. As for the question of “how”, it is necessary to maximize the intensity, breadth and depth of the interpretation of Chinese modernization by expanding the vision of discourse, enriching the subject of discourse and innovating the expression of discourse in response to the practical need of transforming the advantages of Chinese modernization into discourse advantages and to the urgent task of reducing the prejudices against and misinterpretations on Chinese modernization.
    Construction of Diversified Charging Schemes for Domestic Wastes Classification and Safe Disposal
    LI Xin
    2024, 26(3):  49-60.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.10.31.03
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    The reform of compulsory domestic waste classification in China has not achieved the expected results, one of the reasons for which is the shortage of recycling funds due to the lack of an effective charging scheme for domestic waste classification and disposal. Based on the theoretical logic of Pigovian tax, the legal basis of “the polluter pays principle”, and the successful practice in some developed countries, the paper believes that it is necessary to build a diversified charging schemes for classified domestic wastes collection and disposal. In the design of a diversified domestic wastes charging schemes, we should formulate a transition scheme with volume-based charging rates as the mainstay and the quantitation-based charging rates as a supplement. After the policy environment is mature, a comprehensive diversified charging scheme can be implemented, including volume-based charging by bags, volume-based charging for oversized waste, volume-based differential charging, volume-based progressive charging, and volume-based charging by piece. Effective implementation of domestic waste charging depends on the systematic reform of China's long-standing waste recycling model, the use of measures with economic incentive and binding, in guiding the domestic waste discharge behaviors.
    The Dilemma and Regulatory Reshaping of Personal Information Protection from the Perspective of Metaverse
    FU Linya, WU Hui
    2024, 26(3):  61-68.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.09.16.03
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    Metaverse is the digital technology medium of the next generation Internet. In the metaverse, individuals can realize deeply mediated virtual digital existence. However, there are also challenges to data security, and personal information protection is faced with an unprecedented crisis: the extension of personal information continues to expand, personal biological information is collected, the traditional “informed consent” principle is impacted, and the traditional information supervision model is broken. In the digital media space of metaverse, the protection of personal information needs to be tackled urgently by constructing technology-facilitated rules, clarifying the legal positioning of personal biological information, layer-dynamic consent principle, and balancing rules between platforms and individuals. Strengthening the exploration of the rules of the metaverse is of great significance to personal data security and even national strategic security.
    On the Implication of People-oriented Nature in Xi Jingping's Cultural Thought
    ZHOU Jing
    2024, 26(3):  69-75.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.01.18.01
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    Xi Jinping's cultural thought is a major theoretical innovation achieved by the Party in the new era. A crystallization of the collective wisdom of the party and the people, it has been bearing the imprint of people-oriented nature from the moment it was conceived. The people-oriented nature of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts is mainly reflected in the three dimensions of “for the people, relying on the people, and benefiting the people”. “For the people” means to realize the people's yearning for a better life, to meet the people's growing spiritual and cultural needs, and to safeguard the people's basic cultural rights. “Relying on the people” means to rely on the people's responsibility to promote the continuation of cultural inheritance, to rely on the people's creation to promote cultural innovation and development, and to rely on the people's efforts to build China into a country with a thriving socialist culture. “Benefiting the people” means to benefit people of all ethnic groups by emphasizing the construction of a shared spiritual homeland for the Chinese nation, benefiting all people by advocating common prosperity in spiritual life, and benefiting the people of the world by advocating exchanges and mutual learning among global civilizations.
    The Triple Logic of the Thought of “Three Imperatives” in the New Era
    CAO Xiaofei
    2024, 26(3):  76-82.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.05.30.01
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    The “Three Imperatives” thought is a significant concept and ideological command first put forward by Xi Jinping at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and is of profound historical, theoretical and practical logic. As far as its historical logic is concerned, it is a major achievement of the Chinese communists in the new era in grasping the historical law of the rise and fall of China, in summing up the profound historical experience of the party’s centennial struggle, and in learning from the historical lessons of other ruling parties in the world, and presenting scientific answer to the historical questions, which is an inheritance and development of the “two imperatives” thought. As far as its theoretical logic is concerned, it comprehensively and profoundly explains the ideal and faith, the purpose and stand, the fine style and political quality, and the spiritual character and skill requirements of the CPC members in the new era, which is a closely linked, mutually supportive and organically unified theoretical system. As far as its practical logic is concerned, keeping in mind that the implementation of the “Three Imperatives” is an inevitable requirement for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, has great practical significance for ensuring that the Party will never deteriorate, and remain unchanged.
    Responsibility in Platform Employment: Current Situation, Regulation Path and Reflection
    Ayitijiang·HALILI, Maimaiti·WUSIMAN
    2024, 26(3):  83-90.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.01.17.02
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    In the employment of Internet platforms, it is commonplace that a platform practitioner provides labor for multiple platforms at the same time, which makes it a focal issue who bears the employment responsibility in the employment. The theoretical circle and the judgment practice put forward the measures of sticking to the traditional regulations, expanding the traditional regulations and creating new regulations. Among them, the traditional regulation is the resigned choice by the judicial organs when dealing with urgent cases of platform employment liability under the existing rules of labor law; expanding traditional regulations has certain risks and will restrain the development of labor market economy if the expansion is not confined to a proper scope; the new regulatory, the introduction of “third class of workers” and the establishment of “employment contract”, provides hope for solving the problem of determining the platform employment responsibility. But the new regulations need revisions and adaptation to the changes in the mode of employment for disputes over platform employment responsibility to be better solved.
    Application of the Comprehensive Identification to “Knowing” Identification in the Crime of Assisting Information Network Criminal Activities
    MEI He, QIAN Xiaowei
    2024, 26(3):  91-98.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.02.07.02
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    The academic and practical circles regard the “knowing” identification clause in judicial interpretation as presumption, which is a deviation in understanding. Problems such as over-reliance on objective behavior have also appeared in the application of the identification clause in practice. By analyzing the nature of the clauses and the limitations of proof, this paper puts forward the method of comprehensive identification based on supplementary evidence aiming to solve the practical problem of subjective “knowing” identification of the crime of assisting information network criminal activities. Comprehensive identification proposes to abandon the concept of corroboration of proof standards, but does not exclude the use of corroboration methods, which is not a supplement to corroboration proofs, and takes no order in application. Therefore, the judge should always adhere to the legal standard of proof, and prudently identify “knowing” via the details in the corroboration evidence combined with the rule of thumb.
    Regulation of Mind Control Based on the Tort Law
    XIAO Xue
    2024, 26(3):  99-106.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.02.08.02
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    Mind control has caused a series of social problems in recent years. This article demonstrates the constitution of the tort liability of mind control from the four elements of tort liability: tort, damage result, causation, and fault, and analyzes whether the actor can be exempted from liability from the subject matter of exemption. The behavior of mind control includes mind control, general tort and abetting and helping the controlled person to implement self-inflict behavior. According to the theory of antecedent behavior and complete obligation of communication, the behavior of mind control is illegal and is a type of tort. Mind control behavior causes harm to the victim's psychology and spirit, and further leads to material damage results such as life and health. The causal relationship between behavior and damage can be confirmed by using the theory of adequate causation. Therefore, when the actor can be identified as having caused injury whether by intention or by fault to the victim through mind control, he has fault and bears tort liability.
    The Critical Thought and Contemporary Enlightenment in the Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
    LI Dongpoa, WANG Xinyi
    2024, 26(3):  107-114.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.01.14.01
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    The $Introduction~to~the~Critique~of~Hegel$'$s~Philosophy~of~Right$ bears witness to the change of Marx's philoso-phical stand and revolutionary attitude, which can be seen in Marx's reflection on and disclosure of German religious problems, institutional defects and philosophical limitations. Following the principle of reality, pertinence, focus and mission, and starting from religious criticism, Marx made in-depth criticism of the German system and philosophy, and explored the possibility of realizing human liberation. To prevent and resolve ideological risks in the new era, we should draw theoretical and metho-dological reference from Marx's criticism to fight against wrong trends of social thoughts. We should dare to combat against the wrong trend of thought in order to expose its infiltration, to focus our criticism of the wrong trend of thought on its substance and political intention and to carry out systematic criticism in diversified ways to deconstruct the core of wrong social thoughts; we should carry out mission-oriented criticism around the cause development, so as to build a strong ideological defense line for the mainstream ideology, and to provide a strong ideological guarantee and spiritual impetus for the realization of Chinese-style modernization.
    A Theoretical Exploration of Enhancing Students' Confidence in History through Ideological and Political Courses in Universities
    LIN Wenjun
    2024, 26(3):  115-120.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2023.07.13.01
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    Self-confidence in history comes from a clear understanding of the development of history and is the origin of the spiritual strength to continue the struggle. Ideological and political courses in universities are the main arena for enhancing students' confidence in history. They major role to play is to deepen students' cognition and understanding of self-confidence and self-reliance through ideological dissemination, to meet their needs and expectations for growth and development through knowledge transmission, and to strengthen their adherence to and exertion of responsibility through theoretical instruction. Enhancing college students' confidence in history is a gradual process of educational practice. It is necessary to start from the actual situation of education and teaching, make good use of classics, allusions and examples to explain the Chinese story of confidence in history, make good use of “overall ideological and political courses” to broaden the space and time field of enhancing confidence, and make good use of the discourse close to the public to construct dialogue and interaction. On the new journey, the ideological and political courses in colleges and universities should give full play to their educational influence in explaining and convincing, in pervading and leading, and in inspiring and bonding, so as to guide and inspire college students to take initiative in building their confidence in history.