西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 65-73.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2024.04.16.02

• 深层超深层油气勘探开发专刊 • 上一篇    下一篇


李国会1,2,3,4,5,6, 郭越1,2,3,4,5,6, 孙甲庆7, 丁尧1,2,3,4,5,6   

  1. 1. 中国石油塔里木油田公司, 新疆 库尔勒 841000;
    2. 中国石油天然气集团有限公司超深层复杂油气藏勘探开发技术研发中心, 新疆 库尔勒 841000;
    3. 新疆维吾尔自治区超深层复杂油气藏勘探开发工程研究中心, 新疆 库尔勒 841000;
    4. 新疆超深油气重点实验室, 新疆 库尔勒 841000;
    5. 国家能源碳酸盐岩油气重点实验室, 新疆 库尔勒 841000;
    6. 中国石油天然气集团有限公司碳酸盐岩储层重点实验室, 新疆 库尔勒 841000;
    7. 中国石油勘探开发研究院西北分院, 甘肃 兰州 730020
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-16 发布日期:2024-08-24
  • 作者简介:李国会, 1974 年生,男,汉族,吉林农安人,高级工程师,主要从事油气地震勘探资料解释及构造地质方面的研究工作。 E-mail: lghtlm@petrochina.com.cn
    郭越, 1988 年生,女,汉族,河北秦皇岛人,工程师,主要从事油气藏开发方面的研究工作。 E-mail:guoyue-tlm@petrochina.com.cn
    孙甲庆, 1985 年生,男,汉族,山东临沂人,高级工程师,主要从事地震资料处理方面的研究工作。E-mail: sunjiaq@petrochina.com.cn
    丁尧, 2001 年生,男,汉族,安徽安庆人,助理工程师,主要从事地震资料解释等方面的研究。 E-mail:dingy-tlm@petrochina.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

Technology for Precise Positioning of Ultra-deep Fracture-porous Carbonate Reservoirs

LI Guohui1,2,3,4,5,6, GUO Yue1,2,3,4,5,6, SUN Jiaqing7, DING Yao1,2,3,4,5,6   

  1. 1. Tarim Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Korla, Xinjiang 841000, China;
    2. R & D Center for Ultra-deep Complex Reservoir Exploration and Development, CNPC, Korla, Xinjiang 841000, China;
    3. Engineering Research Center for Ultra-deep Complex Reservoir Exploration and Development, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Korla, Xinjiang 841000, China;
    4. Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Ultra-deep Oil and Gas, Korla, Xinjiang 841000, China;
    5. State Energy Key Laboratory of Carbonate Oil and Gas, Korla, Xinjiang, 841000, China;
    6. Key Laboratory of Carbonate, CNPC, Korla, Xinjiang 841000, China;
    7. Northwest Branch, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Lanzhou, Gansu 730020, China
  • Received:2024-04-16 Published:2024-08-24
  • Contact: 李国会,E-mail: lgh-tlm@petrochina.com.cn

摘要: 塔里木盆地缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏埋藏深度大,缝洞储层储集空间小,具有极强非均质性,储层空间位置精准偏移归位难度大,给钻井靶点选择及实钻轨迹优化带来极大挑战,制约了井位部署及快速建产。利用前期三维地震处理的道集、速度场等资料和正钻井中采集的VSP数据,开展以VSP驱动处理为核心的随钻地震储层精准定位研究,通过优化处理工序流程,保证了72 h内提交成果的时效性,实现了不影响正钻井钻进速度的前提下完成储层的精准偏移归位,有效指导了目的层段的靶点调整及轨迹优化。该方法已应用于120余口钻井的随钻跟踪,有效提高了储层直接钻遇率,放空漏失率从60$\%$提高到80$\%$,保证了钻井成功率在90$\%$以上,对类似缝洞型储层的储层预测和精准定位具有借鉴意义。

关键词: 缝洞型, 碳酸盐岩, VSP, 驱动处理, 偏移, 归位

Abstract: The fracture-porous carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin is deeply buried, and have small storage spaces and strong heterogeneity, bringing difficulties to accurate location of reservoirs and precise positioning of reservoir spaces. This poses great challenges for well-targeting and optimizing drilling trajectories, and limits well deployment and rapid production. To address these challenges, a study on precise reservoir positioning driven by VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile) was conducted using pre-stacked seismic data such as gathers and velocity fields, as well as VSP data collected during drilling operations. By optimizing the processing work-flow, the timeliness of delivering results within 72 hours was ensured, and precise positioning of the reservoir was achieved without affecting the drilling speed. This method has been successfully applied in the real-time tracking of more than 120 wells, resulting in an improvement in the direct drilling encounter rate of the reservoirs from 60$\%$ to 80$\%$, and increasing in the success rate of drilling to over 90$\%$. It provides valuable insights for reservoir prediction and precise positioning in similar fracture-porous reservoirs.

Key words: fracture-porous, carbonate, VSP, driven processing, migration, positioning
