西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2006, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 49-51.DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.2006.01.014

• 石油与天然气工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


张伟1 郭平1 憔英1 陈一健1 吕江毅2 鹿克峰2   

  1. (1.“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室·西南石油大学,四川成都610500;2.塔里木油田分公司)
  • 收稿日期:2004-11-04 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-02-20 发布日期:2006-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 张伟


ZHANG Wei 1 GUO Ping1 QIAO Ying 1 et al.

  1. (Southwest Petroleum Institute, Chendu Si-chuan 610500, China)
  • Received:2004-11-04 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-02-20 Published:2006-02-20
  • Contact: ZHANG Wei

摘要: 目前国内外广泛采用激光刚定固相沉积点,只适用于较轻透明的油,对于较黑的油因为光无法穿透而无法测试,为适用于高含蜡及沥青的原油固相沉积点测试!,建立了超声波测试固相沉积点的方法,用柴油为溶剂,对石蜡在柴油中的析蜡点进行了研究,在将石蜡加热溶解于柴油后,测定其在不同浓度下石蜡在柴油中的析蜡点。通过实验发现,石蜡析出的温度随着石蜡浓度的增加而增加,超声波在油样中的传播速度随着石蜡浓度的增加而增加,随着温度的降低而增加。实验还发现,在出现石蜡沉积的后期,由于石蜡沉积是一个放热过程,所以在这期l’q,温度下降很缓慢,有时甚至不下降。超声波的传播时间曲线也会在这个时候出现一个水平段。

关键词: 超声波, 石蜡, 固相沉积

Abstract: Up to now the way of measuring solid precipitation tempera-tore is by the laser. 'This way is only fit to the light and transpar-ence oil, but can not measure the black oil because the light is not able to penetrate it. The solid precipitation determinedul-trasonic was studied in the paper, using diesel oiI as the solvent,measuring its separating temperature in the diesel oil with the
different consistency after the paraffine being heated and dis-solved in the diesel oil. Discovering by the experiment that was the paraffine's precipitation temperature increases with its consistency increasing, on the other hand, the velocity of ultrasonic spreading in the oil increased with the paraffine's consistency increasing and decreased with the temperature increasing. The experiment also discovered that the temperature decreased very slowly and even didnt decline because that the wax precipitation was a exothermic process, and the length of horizontal beeline was appeared on -the curve of ultrasonic spreading time.

Key words: ultrasonic wave, paraffin wax, solid phase deposition
