西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 127-134.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2018.09.05.01

• OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and Principle Simulation Analysis of a Flow Control Device

ZHAO Xu1,2   

  1. 1. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering, SINOPEC, Chaoyang, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Shale Oil and Gas Enrichment Mechanisms and Effective Development, Chaoyang, Beijing 100101, China
  • Received:2018-09-05 Online:2019-08-10 Published:2019-08-10

Abstract: Considering the problem of the early encounter of water in the production of horizontal wells with long horizontal segments, which reduces production efficiency in advance and low water control efficiency with regard to traditional flow control devices, research was carried out on the structural design of a new type of flow control device. A numerical simulation was used to analyze the internal flow trends inside the device, and the principle behind relevant design parameters of water control capability was studied. The internal structure of the flow control device was optimized, and the channels inside the flow restrictor for water and oil phases were changed, to use the different flow conditions of water and oil (owing to their different viscosities) to achieve oil/water control. The research indicates that the directions and quantity of the flow channel openings greatly influence the control capability of the water control device. The shape of the flow channels was optimized, such that it is possible to enhance the control capability of the inflow control device by changing the incident velocity and angle of the control chamber. The research results provide a new reference for designing a new type of adaptive water control device, which can be promoted and applied further.

Key words: inflow control device, design, numerical simulation, water control capability, structural optimization

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