大理大学学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (7): 87-95.DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 2096-2266. 2022. 07. 013
1. 大理大学国际教育学院,云南大理 671003;2. 阿拉伯联合酋长国教育部,阿布扎比 51133; 3. 北京大学对外汉语教育学院,北京 100871
A Study of the Practice and Inspiration of International Chinese Language Education in the Perspective of CBI:
the Case Study of Chinese Language Education in the UAE
1. School of International Education, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China; 2. Ministry of Education of United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi 51133; 3. School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, Beijing 100871