J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (12): 64-67.
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This paper investigates and analyzes employment anxiety among physical education graduates of Dali University, puts forward suggestions and provides a basis for perfecting the university employment guidance theory system. The results show that there is no gender difference in total scores of anxiety among physical education graduates, but a significant difference in factors of employment fear and interview anxiety, with girls higher than boys. The level of employment anxiety among graduates from rural areas is significantly higher than those from urban areas. The level of anxiety among graduates with social practice experience is significantly lower than those without social practice experience. There is no significant difference among graduates with different employment intentions.
Key words: physical education, college students, employment anxiety
CLC Number:
DUAN Yimei, JIANG Fengyun, YANG Xiaoli, LU Guotian. Investigation and Analysis of Employment Anxiety among Physical Education Majors at Dali University[J]. J4, 2014, 13(12): 64-67.
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