J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 87-89.
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Objective: To explore and improve the "Medical Biochemistry" teaching mode for international students from South Asia in Dali University and to improve the teaching quality. Methods: Based on many years of teaching experiences, teachers' ability, teaching books, teaching methods and principles are discussed and summarized. Results: Developing excellent teachers is the premise,selecting proper English books is the guarantee of our teaching, using flexible and various teaching methods is the key factor andn focusing on students with teachers as assistants in class is the principle of teaching. Conclusion: Teaching experiences in practice for international medical students from South Asia in Dali University are summarized, but teaching quality should be further improved in future teaching activities.
Key words: international medical students from South Asia, "Medical Biochemistry", practice, exploration
CLC Number:
Xiong Wei, Zhang Xiaojuan, Zhou Jinghua, Liu Yunchun, Zuo Shaoyuan. Practice and Exploration of "Medical Biochemistry" Teaching for International Students from South Asia in Dali University[J]. J4, 2015, 14(2): 87-89.
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