J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 7-10.
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GAO was the family name of an old prominent family in the history of Dali Kingdom. The power of GAO's family could influence all over the eight prefectures and four counties of Dali Kingdom. GAO's family devoted to developing the local Buddhism, and the head of GAO's family, as the abbot, took charge of the famous temples in Shuimu Mountain—a famous Buddhism mountain in Dali. After the study of archives of GAO's family, as well as the stone inscriptions and other historical documents in Shuimu Mountain,it can be concluded that the source of Shuimu Mountain's Buddhism came from the two branches of Exotoric and Tantric Buddhism ofChongsheng Temple. This paper mainly discusses the special role which GAO's family had played in the inheriting system of theShuimu Mountain Buddhism, and the importance of Shuimu Mountain's Buddhism to GAO's family.
CLC Number:
Nie Geming, Wei Yufan. GAO's Family in Dali Kingdom and Shuimu Mountain's Buddhism[J]. J4, 2015, 14(3): 7-10.
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