›› 2018, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (10): 56-59.

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Analysis of the Intervention Results of Unreasonable Prescriptions in Pediatric Wards According
to JCI in 2017


  1. (Children's Hospital of Kunming Medical University Kunming 650000, China)
  • Received:2018-08-04 Revised:2018-09-27 Published:2018-10-25


〔Abstract〕Objective: To promote rational use of drugs and ensure the safety of drug use in children according to JCI standard.
Methods: A retrospective analysis has been conducted on the results of intervening 1 249 unreasonable prescriptions in Pediatric
Wards in 2017. Results: There were 1 249 unreasonable prescriptions in total, of which 506(40.51%)had problems concerning
inappropriate usage and dosage, 391(31.31%)had problems of improper or undear writing of drug dosage or specifications, 305
(24.42%)didn't show standardized or clear usage of drugs, 33(2.64%)repeated the same drugs, 12(0.96%)had problems of
compatibility taboo or undesirable interaction, and 2(0.16%)had problems of improper combination of drugs. Conclusions: Clinical
physicians should regulate the formulation of prescription and doctor's orders, and pharmacists should strengthen the work of
prescription checking in order to promote safe, effective, economic, reasonable pharmacy prescriptions of hospitalized children.

Key words: 〔Key words〕JCI, prescription intervention, unreasonable prescriptions, prescription checking, rational drug use

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