西南石油大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6): 9-14.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.09.09.02

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Practice and Research of Green Development in Fuling Shale Gas Field

MEI Xudong1,2, JING Jizhong1,2, WANG Chaoqiang1,2, HE Yong3, WANG Dan1,2, ZHANG Chun1,2   

  1. 1. Chongqing Fuling Shale Gas Environmental Protection Research and Technical Service Center, Fuling Chongqing, 408000, China;
    2. Chongqing Shale Gas Environmental Engineering Research Center, Fuling Chongqing, 408000, China;
    3. Shale Gas Exploration and Development Company Ltd., SINOPEC, Fuling Chongqing, 408014, China
  • Received:2017-09-09 Online:2017-11-01 Published:2017-11-01

Abstract: China is abundant in shale gas resources; its green and efficient development is the inevitable requirements for the sustainable development of the shale gas industry in the context of ecological civilization construction. Extensive investigations and studies found that the environmental challenges of shale gas development in Fuling mainly include the contradictions between human and land, the difficulties in water pollution control, the treatment and disposal of wasted drilling remains and water, and environmental regulation. To achieve the coordinated development of economic, society and environmental benefits, Fuling shale gas demonstration area, through technology innovation and management innovation, has developed integrated green development technologies characteristic of "intensive use of land, green drilling technology, environment friendly fracturing and testing and recovery, bio-safety disposal of drilling wastes, resource utilization and recycling of waste water", which reduces carbon emissions, realizes zero discharges of wasted water and minimizes the harm to resources, and reduces the costs of water, land, energy and material consumption and engineering cost. This provides the regional water environments with an effective protection, and serves as a model and standardized guidance in green and efficient shale gas exploration and development in China.

Key words: Fuling, shale gas field, shale gas, green development, environmental protection

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