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    01 November 2015, Volume 17 Issue 6
    Inspiration of Emergency Oil Management System of International Energy  Agency for China
    Li Xin
    2015, 17(6):  9-18.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.09.01.01
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    Emergency Sharing System,the crucial system of IEA(International Energy Agency),is the basis and the legal
    origin of all kinds of emergency response system of IEA. IEA’s Emergency Sharing System was originally designed to be a
    formal institution with legal binding obligations and has coercive binding power for member states. Although the Second Oil
    Crisis didn’t reach the point of fully activating Emergency Sharing System,the crisis caused a great economic loss and revealed
    that the System was defective due to its lack of flexibility,and that reform and adaptation of the System is imperative. After
    40 years of development,IEA’s Emergency Oil Management System has successfully responded to multi-level oil supply
    disruptions flexibly. The change of Emergency Oil Management System displays three characteristics: the informal path of
    system adaptation,dispute settlement through political means instead of law and increasing attention of member states to the
    effect of market function in crisis response. The design and development of Emergency Sharing System,together with IEA’
    s experience in oil crisis management would provide lessons for China to learn in designing and operating its emergency oil
    management system.

    Optimization of Energy Logistics Channels in Xinjiang
    Song Mingzhi
    2015, 17(6):  25-30.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.04.23.01
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    By estimating the total amount of energy supply in Xinjiang,we accounted demand for different types of energy
    in ”standard coal” unit,and predicted the total amount of energy logistics in Xinjiang in the future. According to Xinjiang’s
    economy,environment,management,and National energy strategy and so on,the author suggests that logistics channels in
    Xinjiang should be developed according to priority sequences as follows: power grid,pipeline,railway and highway. Then,the
    author calculated the cost of conversion and logistics of different types of energy with secondary curve fitting model and AHP,
    and according to the lowest cost principle,we propose an optimized proportion of the four logistics channels in Xinjiang: power
    grid 42%,pipeline 26%,railway 21.5%,and highway 10.5% . The optimized model of logistics development will contribute
    to further development of energy logistics and the sustainable utilization of energy in Xinjiang.

    Land Reform and the Reconstruction of Rural Power Relations in China ——A Case Study of Mianyang,Sichuan
    Cui Yinan Bai Wenhui
    2015, 17(6):  31-36.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.03.16.01
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    Land reform in the time when PRC was founded destroyed the foundation of political relations in the old days in
    terms of economy,subverted the traditional political structure and order of Chinese society in rural areas and had a profound
    impact on the development of contemporary Chinese history. According to the historical data of Mianyang in the early years
    of PRC,this paper explores the important historical events and social changes in China before and after the founding of PRC
    by means of political sociology studies and explores the historical logic of establishing the ruling position of CCP (Chinese
    Communist Party). In the early years of PRC,through political mobilization,CCP successfully made the farmers form a
    clearly oriented class consciousness and take active part in the mass movement. Meanwhile,“public trial and denouncement”
    and the“forfeiture,punishment and compensation”completely destroyed the authority of the landlords,and farmers began to
    have a say and to take active part in political activities. By undertaking cadres training,CCP strived to cultivate new grass-root
    rulers in the countryside and successfully remodeled rural power relations.

    Aberration and Discipline: Reflections on the Moral Disruption of Human Flesh Search
    Liu Kaiqiang
    2015, 17(6):  37-42.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.06.27.03
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    The innovation of Internet technology has contributed greatly to social development,but also generates problems.
    Human flesh search,which is made possible by the Internet technology advancement,is the representative of network intrusion
    into real human life. As a web search tool,network human flesh search has obvious advantages and disadvantages. It is no
    doubt that human flesh search strengthens social supervision by public opinion,but it meanwhile generates moral problems like
    reckless violation of others’privacy,loss of moral values,and a setback in moral development. In order to prevent deviation
    of moral standard brought by ill-intentioned human flesh search,and to ensure a clean public space on the Internet,we need
    to observe legal and moral disciplines and to improve Internet technology. By so doing,we may make sure that the Internet
    functions as the key driving force promoting the structural transformation of economy.

    A Two-dimensional Analysis of Migrant Workers’Sense of Happiness
    Jia Miaomiao Zhou Yong
    2015, 17(6):  50-55.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.03.08.03
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    In recent years,the government has been paying more attention to national happiness. Social harmony comes
    after harmony among people. Migrant workers,the bond of connecting urban and rural areas and residents,are the key to a
    harmonious society and are an indispensable part in the process of industrialization and urbanization in China. Based on the
    happiness surveys on migrant workers,this paper analyzes migrant workers’sense of happiness in contemporary China and
    explores the reasons that affect the migrant workers’sense of happiness from two dimensions: the society and the migrant
    workers themselves. The subjective reasons why migrant workers lack the sense of happiness are the lack of confidence in
    their self-identity and a sense of belonging,and their mentality of comparing with others;on the part of society,low and
    often overdue wage payment,difficulties in defending their rights,in schooling for their children and caring for their parents
    are factors that destroy migrant workers sense of happiness. To improve migrant workers’sense of happiness,efforts should
    be made by themselves and by society to change their state of mind,to enhance education and training,to boost their legal
    consciousness and to improve the social security system etc.

    Responsibility Determination in Infringement Involving Temporary Staff
    Qiu bo
    2015, 17(6):  56-61.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.08.22.01
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    When the temporary staff’s rights are infringed in their employment,they need to decide whether to claim compensations
    of employment injury insurance or compensation for infringement of civil rights according to whether they have legal
    labor relationship with the employing unit. The establishment of labor relationship can provide a more comprehensive protection
    to labors,but the many substantial requirements exclude temporary staff. Thus,determining responsibility for infringement of
    temporary staff’s rights becomes more important,as it provides a final protection for labors. The security assurance of temporary
    staff is the employer’s legal obligation. If their negative act leads to the result of injury,the employer should assume
    corresponding responsibilities. The various forms of civil relationship increase the difficulty of responsibility determination in
    infringement cases. Studies on responsibility determination in infringement of temporary staff’s rights contribute to unification
    of responsibility determination in infringement in legal practice.

    A Study on the Instigator of Dangerous Driving Crime
    Jia Yinsheng He Xianbing
    2015, 17(6):  62-69.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.04.15.05
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    Instigation of dangerous driving which results in traffic accident can be punished in four ways according to law
    theories. The first is to assure the instigation of the negligence by denying the intentional subordination of the accomplice to
    the principal offender according to the theory of behavior in common. The second is to define the crime of causing traffic
    casualties as intentional offense,and deal with the casualties by objective extra factors according to theory of pre-protection
    of legal interest. The third is to replace outcome-based responsibility form with behavior-based liability form. The fourth is to
    handle it with the theory of partially joint crimes. Among them the fourth is applicable to China’s current criminal theoretical

    Protection and Restriction of Frozen Embryo’s Inheritance ——Comments on the First Dispute of Frozen Embryo’s Inheritance
    Chen Youping Ding Wei
    2015, 17(6):  70-75.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.03.16.05
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    Frozen embryo came into existence in the rapid development of modern assisted reproductive technology as a
    byproduct of in-vitro fertilization and embryo transplantation technology. In the practice of justice,a series of disputes occur
    due to the absence of relevant laws and regulations on frozen embryo’s legal nature,its right owners and inheritance,which
    urges a clear definition of frozen embryo’s legal status. Though the frozen embryo possesses the potential of becoming a solid
    being,it hasn’t been born as a living being. On the one hand,according to the regulations of General Principles of Civil Law,
    the frozen embryo does not have the capacity of rights and cannot be defined as the subject in civil legal relationship;it must be
    an“object”. On the other hand,it cannot be simply defined as an ordinary“object”,but a specific ethical object which has the
    potential to grow into a human being and therefore possess partial personality. The couple willing to be the parents by surgery
    is the right owner of the frozen embryo. After the death of the right owners,the frozen embryo can be inherited as heritage
    by the heir. However,due to its potential to become real living being,the heir only enjoys restricted right of supervision and
    disposal to the frozen embryo.

    New Route of National Security Education in Petroleum Universities ——A Petroleum Security Education Perspective
    Cao Xiaofei
    2015, 17(6):  99-104.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.06.17.06
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    National security education in universities is the necessary means to cultivate students’ awareness of overall national
    security and enhance their national security awareness. Under the circumstance of increasingly serious petroleum security
    situation in China,petroleum security education can help to cultivate the students’ long-term vision and their sense of crisis
    and responsibility and cultivate their consciousness of innovation and globalization. Therefore,petroleum universities should
    give priority to petroleum security education,optimize curriculum system,launch ”second classroom” activities,and build
    cooperation mechanism to shoulder the important mission of protecting national petroleum security.

    A Study on China’s Moral Education Development ——A Statistical Analysis of 2006 – 2013 Pedagogy Projects of the National Social Science Foundation
    Deng Hong Zhang Li
    2015, 17(6):  105-110.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.03.13.02
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    With 2006 – 2013 project data of pedagogy and of National Social Science Foundation provided by National Planning
    Office of Philosophy and Social Science,we analyzed the number and type of approved projects,researchers regional
    distribution,the ranking of moral education study in all branches of pedagogy in recent years,hoping to get an understanding
    of the current situation of moral education in China. The results show that the number of approved projects of the National
    Social Science Foundation is on the rise;the youth projects are becoming the major type;researchers involved in these projects
    mainly from developed cities and from the east and middle China;higher education enjoys a significant edge on the moral
    education researches;the researches cover a broad range in content and the number of different research subjects vary greatly.
    On the other hand,there are problems in pedagogy projects of the National Social Science Foundation,such as the repetition
    of projects,the unbalanced geological distribution of involved areas and research units,and inadequate concern with reality
    related problems. Therefore,we suggest that government should give more support to the pedagogy projects of the National
    Social Science Foundation.

    Measures to Improve Practice Teaching of the Ideological and Political Theory Course in Colleges and Universities in the Context of Internet Thinking
    Jiang Chaolia Li Guidong
    2015, 17(6):  111-115.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2015.06.16.03
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    The Internet introduces multimedia-assisted teaching into ideological and political theory course and thus breaks a
    new path for promoting the ideological and political education in colleges and universities. To improve the effectiveness and
    pertinence of ideological and political theory courses,we must make full use of practice teaching resources and platforms online.
    In teaching practice,endeavors should be made base on the characteristics of the Internet —equality,openness,innovation,
    sharing and collaboration. Making use of openness and transparency of the Internet,we may enhance initiative in practice
    teaching;the interactivities on the Internet will help promote activeness of participation in practice teaching;and sharing and
    cooperation through the Internet will contribute to creativity in practice teaching. The above measures and efforts combining
    the Internet technology and education will bring about reform of ideological and political theory education in colleges and