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    01 January 2018, Volume 20 Issue 1
    Research on Oil and Gas Pipeline Safety Regulations and Environmental Risk Monitoring and Early Warning Systems
    WANG Pu, TIAN Fujun
    2018, 20(1):  19-28.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.09.09.04
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    The safety and environmental issues surrounding oil and gas pipelines have become a focal point of national and social concern. However,legislation about oil and gas pipeline safety and environmental risk monitoring and early warning system is still lacking in China at present——a problem greatly affecting China's urban public safety as well as its economic and social development. Therefore,in order to offer an improved system for pipeline safety,this study begins by comprehensively analyzing the existing laws and regulations of oil and gas pipeline safety and environmental risk monitoring and early warning. Next,the study analyzes the existing construction situation. Third,the study discusses the main regulatory defects and clarifies legal responsibility,attaching the importance of environmental risk monitoring. Finally,this study suggests that by improving the system of supervision and strengthening the pipeline management and other dimensions of corresponding countermeasures, the management laws and regulation systems of China's urban oil and gas pipeline safety can be perfected in the future.
    Research on the Impact of Salary Dissatisfaction on Employee Complaint and Job Burnout
    YU Xuan, LIU Xuhong, DING Xiaoqin
    2018, 20(1):  52-57.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.10.18.03
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    Salary issue is one of the major concerns of enterprises. According to our investigation,nearly 70% of the respondents are dissatisfied with their salary,19% of which are very dissatisfied with their salary. According to equity theory,when an employee becomes dissatisfied with the remuneration,he or she is bound to express this negative emotion in other forms or ways,which in turn will affect his or her work. Based on the 329 valid questionnaires collected,we analyzed the impact of salary dissatisfaction on employee complaints and job burnout. And the results reveal: salary dissatisfaction has a significant positive impact on employee complaints and job burnout;employee complaint has a partial mediation function between salary dissatisfaction and job burnout. The conclusion is conducive to salary management improvement and to the prevention of employee complaint and job burnout and other negative mentalities.
    Exploration of Community Social Service in the Big Data Context
    SHEN Run
    2018, 20(1):  58-64.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.09.27.03
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    The emerging of the big data technology brought revolutionary changes to the development of traditional industries. With the new information technology,community social service can be integrated with big data,which may boost its development. The idea of big data emphasizes analysis of data,correlation relationship and dynamic follow-up service in general. On the mode of service,big data focus on the initiative exploration of the data information,and preventive actions;on the principle, big data emphasize openness and sharing. All of the above show the advantage of big data in community social service. As for the steps of big data application in practice,the first is to build the data platform and to collect information;the second step is to analyze data information,and the last step is problem prevention based on the data information. The big data have an exclusive advantage,but there also exist multiple hidden perils such as information revealing,inertial dependence,information garbage and the lack of talents. Therefore,we need to put more emphasis on the perfection of relevant laws,to combine big data concept and conventional thinking and to make efforts to talents training in this area in order to solve possible problems.
    A Study of Xi Jinping's Promotion of Sinicizing Marxist Discourse System
    LUO Shunyuan
    2018, 20(1):  71-76.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.11.14.01
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    By analyzing examples of Xi Jinping's quotations of classic quotes,modern famous sayings and proverbs,which promote the sinicization of Marxist discourse system,we find that the mechanisms of promotion include: promote the discourse transformation via the excellent traditional culture;reconstructing the Chinese-style Marxist discourse with folksy style featuring in“short,real and new”expressions. Xi Jinping's quotations in his speeches leave some profound enlightenments for sinicizing Marxist discourse system: the first is to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture;the second is to use Chinese discourse to express Marxism;the third is that the expression should be“down to earth”,and to make good use of colloquial language in order to achieve a“short,real and new”effect.
    A Survey on the Development of the Journal of Science and Engineering in Universities in Sichuan Province
    LI Dehua, LI Guidong, HU Hong, WU Shaomei, DENG Ying
    2018, 20(1):  89-97.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.09.12.01
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    In order to understand the current situation of the journals of science and engineering in universities in Sichuan province,we conducted an investigation into 23 journals of science and engineering in 21 technological universities in Sichuan province,which was evaluated by JIF(The Sciences and Engineering)of CNKI in 2015,by means of online survey,fieldwork and questionnaire. The investigation found that there appears a multilayered development of the journals of science and engineering and the overall impact performances are not prominent. Journals of the 985 and 211 universities have relatively greater impact,but journals of the provincial universities have relatively weak influence. The turnover of editorial staff is rather high and the scholarly senior editors are inadequate. Universities'lack of emphasis on the function and role of journals results in insufficient investment to journal promotion. Hereto,we present the following suggestions:(1)establish and enhance academic quality and characteristics;(2)try to win school policy and finance support for more efficient operation of journals;(3)construct stronger editorial team with improved comprehensive qualities and professional qualification;(4)enhance innovation and modernization in journal development.