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    15 April 2012, Volume 11 Issue 4
    A Two-parameter Defining Weighted Average
    2012, 11(4):  1-4. 
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    This article refers to two-parameter defining the weighted average, and then discusses its monotonicity. Finally some conclusions are summarized, which are used to derive many averages and inequalities.

    Uniqueness Theorems for Some Special Entire Functions
    2012, 11(4):  5-10. 
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    In this paper, we study the uniqueness of non-constant entire functions whose orders are less than 1 on the basis of the value distribution theory of meromorphic function and then get some findings in this aspect.

    Periodic Solutions for Some Non-autonomous Second Order Systems
    2012, 11(4):  11-13. 
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    The purpose of this paper is to study the existence of periodic solutions of a class of second order Hamiltonian systems.One new existence theorem is obtained by using the least action principle.

    Research for Methods Generating Training Samples about Keyboard Exercise Based on Genetic Algorithm
    2012, 11(4):  14-17. 
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    When users learn software with input method, it is an important factor whether the training sample design of input method software is reasonable. In this paper, based on the genetic algorithm, phonetic encoding IM software training generation, as a study sample, is studied to generate the best sample that can meet the training requirements set by users.

    On Research and Development of Excel Report Based on .NET Platform
    2012, 11(4):  18-21. 
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    In the MIS system, the design of a report meeting both system function and user's habits is important and difficult. In this paper, on the basis of online teaching evaluation system and .NET environment, a model of structure-based variable data sources is discussed to realize a dynamic Chinese-style report of seamless connection with Excel component by communicating with the COM component.

    Research on Multimedia System of Dali Bai Nationality Folk Custom Based on Relational Database
    2012, 11(4):  22-24. 
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    This article introduces how to use Authorware7.0 to make "the Dali folk custom multimedia systems" on the basis of the Access2003 database, and also presents function of system development and key technologies in the process of developing system.

    Derivation of Position and Momentum Uncertainty Relation with Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
    2012, 11(4):  25-27. 
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    This paper introduces the derivation of position and momentum uncertainty relation from Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the properties of Hermitian operator, and discusses this uncertainty relation. For a Gaussian wave function, the inequality of uncertainty relation will hold equality sign.

    On Experimental Methods Measuring Linear Expansion Coefficient of Metal
    2012, 11(4):  28-31. 
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    This paper presents several methods measuring linear expansion coefficient and micrometer through the use of leverage,interference principle or spiral interferometry measurement principle. We can select appropriate method according to experimental equipment and measuring accuracy.

    Effect of Stain on Band Structure of InxGa1-xAs
    2012, 11(4):  32-34. 
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    The change of emerge-band gap of InxGa1-xAs ternary alloys grown on GaAs substrate was calculated theoretically. The band structure of epitaxial layer was affected by strain due to differences between the film and substrate lattice constants. Strains in the layer varied almost linearly with composition. It was indicated that the bandgap of strained InxGa1-xAs increased and valence band splitting occurred, compared to unstrained materials. This makes it possible to control the bandgap by altering the alloys composition and hence strain. It is useful to the devices design.

    Research on Microbend Losses Mechanism and Application of Twisted Optical Fiber
    2012, 11(4):  35-38. 
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    Via research on microbend losses mechanism of twisted optical fiber, this paper presents two novel theories of microbend losses and their respective formula, whose rationality is proved by virtue of theory analysis and numerical simulate. In addition, the application potential of twisted optical fiber is deliberated.

    Analysis and Prediction of Earthquake in Yunnan Based on Mathematical Analysis
    2012, 11(4):  39-41. 
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    Mathematical analysis and the method of commensurability are adopted to predict earthquake in Yunnan, which shows that the results of the earthquake analyzed with two different methods are much the same. Thus combining the two different methods to study earthquake will provide new approach to the earthquake research, which makes the prediction more accurate.

    From Huygens' Principle to the Sommerfeld Diffraction Formula
    2012, 11(4):  42-44. 
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    Since 1678 Huygens proposed Huygens' Principle, Fresnel, Kirchhoff, Sommerfeld and so on had improved this
    principle,which reflects the scientific research of the development process form the qualitative, semi-quantitative precision to the quantitative phase. In order to accurately understand the Huygens- Fresnel's principle, and also to grasp the objective laws of scientific development, it is necessary for further knowing the history of development of the Huygens' principle.

    Preparation of Luteolin by Microwave Irradiation
    2012, 11(4):  45-47. 
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    Rutin was reduced to luteolin by dithionite with microwave irradiation in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Te yield of luteolin was 67% when the mixture was refluxed for twenty minutes under 250 W for three times. The method of preparation of luteolin is convenient and timesaving with high yield. At the same time, the advantage and mechanism of heating have also been discussed.

    Impact of Different Treatments on Seed Germination and Growth of Moringa oleifera
    2012, 11(4):  48-49. 
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    The different kinds of Chemical as carbendazim, KMnO4 and warm water were used on Moringa oleifera seeds, and the germination rate and the plant height were recorded in each group. The results show that: 1% carbendazim treatment with 4 h, the germination rate was 73.3%, higher than that in the control group 11.1%; 100 mg / L 12 h KMnO4 soaking 's germination rate of 70%, higher than that in control group 7.8%; 59 degrees warm water soaking 4 h, germination rate of 67.8%, higher than that in control group 5.6%. The 1% carbendazim treatment on the germination of Moringa oleifera was the best. All the treatments had promoting effects on the seedlings growth of Moringa oleifer; using 1% carbendazim was the best.

    Study on Breeding Habits of Tylototriton shanjing
    2012, 11(4):  50-52. 
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    From May 2007 to August 2010, the breeding habits of Tylototriton shanjing in Cangshan National Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province were observed. According to the observation and experiments both in the laboratory and in the field, the breeding features were primarily studied. It showed that the breeding period lasted from early May to early August. A female laid 96.43±6.14 eggs and hatching period averaged 20-23 days, with mean hatchability of 80.5-92%, with nature hatchability of 72.2-80.9%. We also described the morphological changes characteristic of juvenile.

    Research on Lyophyllum decastes
    2012, 11(4):  53-55. 
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    The study of Lyophyllum decastes, including its biological characteristics, cultivation and bioactive products, was
    summarized in order to provide basis for further development and utilization.

    An Investigation on the Relationship of Guozhuang Dance and Leisure Sports Activities
    2012, 11(4):  56-60. 
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    Due to the difference in perception, it is still ambiguity whether Guozhuang belongs to leisure sports or not. From the perspective of formation of the Guozhuang's history and culture origin, as well as the adaptation of the social function conversion during the changes of the country, this article aims to do the empirical investigation in the process of its development and collision of modern sports culture. Guozhuang culture and modern recreational sports have their integration and commonality so clear that it is inevitable to blend in further development of society.

    Study on Modernization of Naxi Traditional Sports
    2012, 11(4):  61-64. 
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    By means of documentation, field investigation, interview and other methods, this paper aims to study the process of Naxi sports from the tradition to modernization. And conclusions are summarized: the Naxi traditional sports events with deep culture connotation are vital in the process of Naxi sports from tradition to modernization; with the development of economy in Naxi nationality area, traditional sports gradually disappeared; saving the Naxi traditional sports culture must be from the perspective of the culture. Finally, some suggestions are put forward: to deepen the consciousness that the Naxi traditional sports is an important part of the Naxi traditional culture; we should maintain the national characteristics in Naxi traditional sports; let the Naxi traditional sports
    gradually into school, etc.

    Analysis of the Value of "Lion Dance" Course in Colleges and Universities in Yunnan
    ———Specific Thoughts of Lion Dance in Dali University
    2012, 11(4):  65-68. 
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    Using literature survey, field survey method and expert interview, this paper aims to study the value of lion dance course in Dali University. The results show that the opening of lion dance course can make great contribution to inherit national sports and promote traditional culture in Dali. It also adds light spot to Dali's tourism resources. The lion dance sports is beneficial to enrich students' extracurricular cultural life, develop students' team spirit and broaden students' employment channels. It is also beneficial to increase the popularity of Dali University and expand international communication results.

    Research about the Phenomenon of Social Sports Students Change Major in Dali University
    2012, 11(4):  73-76. 
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    By means of literature, questionnaires, expert interviews and other methods, this paper aims to investigate students majored in Social Sports at the school of Sports Science from 2007 to 2011, which shows that there are 29 students who change their majors from Social Sports to Physical Education, and none changes from Physical Education to Social Sports. According to the research, the reasons why these students change their majors are training targets about social sports, curriculum, teaching resources, practice conditions, the concept of student employment and social needs of the local.

    Simplified Taijiquan Teaching Method for the Elders
    2012, 11(4):  77-80. 
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    Taijiquan is one of the ancient Chinese boxing. One-to-one teaching method is adopted to teach the principle and technology of Taijiquan in order to promote the improvement of physical and psychological function. The priority to optimize the teaching methods of Taijiquan and expand martial arts is the way of teaching. The paper has made an analysis of the Taijiquan teaching method for the elders, and then suggests to cultivate good physical exercise habit so as to improve the physical quality of old people,which has an important role in the elders' physical and mental health.

    Influence of Psychological Preparation on Performance of Athletes in Triple Jump Competition
    2012, 11(4):  81-83. 
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    In athletics, triple jump is one of the traditional sports, in which level of technology, psychology, and the ability to adapt to the requirements is relatively high. In the triple jump competition, athletics level makes little difference to the athletes while the psychological readiness is the key factor to decide their performance. This paper has made an analysis of influence of psychological preparation on the performance of the triple jump athletes, and explored how to train athletes' psychological quality.

    Deepening Comprehension of Concepts in New Curriculum Standards through "Teaching Activity"
    ———Reflection on Sine Theorem in Teaching Activity "the Same Lesson with Different Teaching Methods"
    2012, 11(4):  84-87. 
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    This article deals with the Sine Theorem in the version A of compulsory course, velum 5 published by people's Education Press. It is the fist section in chapter 1. "Solving Problems about Triangle". The article proceeds from the Sine Theorem, combined with "The same lesson with different Teaching Methods" activity held by school, bringing up new interpretation about the new curriculum standards in three aspects: First, the assumed situations should be related to reality. Second, in formula derivation, emphasis should be placed on process. Third, the way of thinking should be embodied in explaining the examples.

    Thoughts of Free Class Attendance Scheme about Petroleum Geology
    2012, 11(4):  88-90. 
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    To practice the credit system reform in university, arouse the enthusiasm of university teachers in teaching and improve the teaching quality in classrooms, the authors of this article elaborated their well-considered thoughts of the course Petroleum Geology which adopted a free class attendance scheme based on the aims, significances, concrete ways in practice and their understandings of the free class attendance scheme. The authors proposed that a successful class was built upon three conditions: teachers' analysis of the focal points, students' interests and initiative to study inspired by teachers' teaching skills, patience and sense of responsibility, and students' realization and experience acquired through personal thinking. In the end, this article
    summarized the results of the free class attendance scheme and some suggestions of how to rationalize the free attendance scheme were also given.

    Analysis of the Laboratory Management Mode in Universities
    2012, 11(4):  91-93. 
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    In this paper, the pros and cons of the laboratory management mode is analyzed, and the change of laboratory
    management mode in universities is also discussed. According to actual situation, appropriate laboratory management is adopted to ensure efficient and open use of teaching laboratories, improve teaching quality, establish sound management mode, straighten out relations, and promote the development of experimental teaching.

    A Study of Course Construction of Public P.E. at Dali University
    2012, 11(4):  94-96. 
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    The traditional sports teaching cannot adapt to the situation of the social development in new century, which requires training more creative talents. As one of universities in the frontier area of minority nationalities, physical education must be able to keep the pace of reforming so that it can meet the requirement of the times. By means of surveys and experimental methods, this paper presents how to achieve the goal of curriculum reform with the guiding ideology of"people-oriented" and "health first". During this process, we should optimize the structure of the course, improve teaching contents and the evaluation methods for the P.E.

    Research on Introducing Dali Bai Folk Songs and Dances of Bajiao Drum into the Local Primary School Physical Education
    2012, 11(4):  97-100. 
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    With the rapid development of economy in minority areas, further efforts will be made to promote the school-based curriculum for basic education in ethnic minority areas, which means the study of traditional ethnic sports not only enters a new period, but also provides a wider space for development for national sports culture border ethnic heritage. This paper explores fitness value about Dali folk dance Bajiao drum, which is put into the sports school-based curriculum in elementary school, and also provides reference to further enrich the local elementary school physical education curriculum resource development.