西南石油大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 112-120.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2019.10.11.01

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  1. 晋中学院文学院, 山西 晋中 030619
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-11 出版日期:2020-07-01 发布日期:2020-07-01
  • 作者简介:郗韬(1974-),男(汉族),陕西铜川人,讲师,博士,研究方向:元明清文学。

Aggregation and Alienation—The Relationship between Wang Mingsheng's Poetry and the Mainstream Poetry Style of the Qianlong and Jiaqing Periods

XI Tao   

  1. College of Chinese Language and Literature, Jinzhong University, Jinzhong Shanxi, 030619, China
  • Received:2019-10-11 Online:2020-07-01 Published:2020-07-01

摘要: 清代著名史学家王鸣盛一生好诗,且取得了一定成就。究其一生,王鸣盛的诗风有较明显的变化:前期受当时诗坛领袖沈德潜的影响,兼之自身遭际缘故,有宗唐倾向,但并不排斥宋诗;中期居京十年,受友人钱载、蒋士铨等影响,与诗坛宗宋主流诗风有相合之处;后期诗歌创作,既与“性灵派”重情思潮相呼应,又对其俚俗之弊进行了修正。王鸣盛在重视诗人学养的同时,否定了翁方纲等学者以“考据并议论”入诗的做法。总体上而言,王鸣盛思想通达,其诗歌不拘泥于唐宋诗歌之藩篱,既受乾嘉主流诗风的影响,也固守了诗歌以抒情为主、重视教化、语言典雅含蓄等传统特质。

关键词: 王鸣盛, 沈德潜, 抒情, 教化, 乾嘉诗风

Abstract: Wang Mingsheng made some achievements in poetry in his life, and there were distinct changes in his poetry style. In the early stage, influenced by the then leading poet Shen Deqian and his own life experience, Wang Mingsheng exhibited the style of Tang poetry in his poetic creation but he did not exclude Song poetry in this period. The middle stage of his poetry creation was the ten years when he lived in Beijing. Influenced by his friends Qian Zai and Jiang Shiquan, his poetry was in conformity with the mainstream poetry style of the time, which revered Song Dynasty poetry. Wang Mingsheng's later poetry creation echoed the emotional focus of the "Xingling" School of poetry but improved its slang and colloquial language use. Attaching importance to poets'knowledge,Wang Mingsheng denied Weng Fanggang and other scholars' practice of introducing "textual research and discussion" into poetry. On the whole, Wang Mingsheng was open minded, and his poetry creation was confined in the Tang and Song styles. He embraced the mainstream poetry style of the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods, but also adhered to the traditional characteristics of poetry:lyricism,civilization building,and elegant and implicit language using,etc.

Key words: Wang Mingsheng, Shen Deqian, lyricism, civilization building, poetry style of the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods
