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    01 November 2018, Volume 20 Issue 6
    The Effect of High-Quality Connections on Employee Work Creativity: The Roles of the Meaning of Work and Prosocial Motive
    YU Xuan, DONG Tiantian
    2018, 20(6):  36-44.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2018.06.04.09
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    High-quality connections (HQCs) are short-term, dyadic, interactions that are positive in terms of the subjective experience of the connected individuals and the structural features of the connection. The study explores the effect of high quality connections on employee work creativity,and examines the mediating effect of the meaning of work and the moderating effect of prosocial motive. The statistical analysis of 224 employees' questionnaires shows that high-quality connections have a significant positive effect on employee work creativity and on the meaning of work. The meaning of work displays a remarkable mediating effect in the impact of high-quality connections on employee work creativity. Prosocial motive displays a remarkable moderating effect in the impact of high-quality connections on the meaning of work.
    On the Nomocracy in Development Planning in the Context of the Supply-side Structural Reform
    SONG Lin
    2018, 20(6):  59-68.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2018.08.15.03
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    In the new context of the supply-side structural reform, nomocracy construction of development planning should promote the rule of law and the reform. The supply-side structural reform puts forward five basic requirements for promoting nomocracy construction of development planning:adhering good law and good governance as the primary premise, respecting the co-relation of market mechanism and macro-regulation mechanism, guaranteeing two-way construction of the legitimacy in nomocracy and reform, achieving the dialectical unity of principle and flexibility, building a big-picture consciousness about nomocracy construction. The nomocracy construction of development planning can be conducted by means of making Development Planning Law to perfect the law system of planning, strengthening planning administration according to law, implementing accountability system,completing the judicial relief mechanism to improve judicial credibility,increasing public participation in planning activities to protect democracy, improving publicity and education to strengthen concept of rule of law in planning. Nomocracy is to provide institutional guarantee for development planning,which is not only necessary for the supply-side structural reform, but also the value of the nomocracy construction of development planning.
    An Experiment of Jigsaw Technique in Mental Health Course for College Students
    Chen Lihong, Liu Li
    2018, 20(6):  78-83.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2018.08.24.01
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    Mental health course for college students integrates class lectures on mental knowledge, and students' mental experience and behavior training. Social development and students' psychological inclination make it imperative to reform the teaching of mental health course."Jigsaw" theory holds that each member in a learning group is requisite. It helps cultivate students' ability of autonomous learning and promote cooperation by encouraging them to take an active part in their learning. This experiment aims to find out the effect of Jigsaw technique on students' performance and depth of learning. The subjects involved are 104 freshmen students from the same major who are divided into experimental group and control group. The experiment result showed that students of the experimental group score higher than the control group and engage in classroom activities more actively, and that they have a more positive preference to mental health course.
    Ways to Enhance the International Influence of University Periodicals
    Ma Jing, Wang Lu, Du Jingnan, Wu Xiao
    2018, 20(6):  84-88.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2018.08.31.01
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    University periodicals are an important part of sci-tech periodicals and an important carrier of academic exchanges. It is one of the important factors of measuring innovation level of science and technology and overall national strength. This article points out that there are some problems such as inadequate quantity of English periodicals, fluctuating quality of papers published in Chinese periodicals, and lack of strict control over the quality of papers, which prevent the journals of colleges and universities from communicating with foreign academic circles. To enhance the international influence, we suggest that university periodicals should participate in national key projects and obtain more policy support at national level,that university periodicals should attract excellent international papers by promoting their international reputation through international and domestic connections, and that editors should strictly control the quality of papers and improve the academic quality of papers. In order to promote the international influence of university journals, we should share the results of scientific research through the cooperation with various new media channels etc.
    Translation of Dialects in Literary Works——A Case Study of Two English Versions of Si Shui Wei Lan
    Chen Jing
    2018, 20(6):  100-106.  DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2018.06.05.06
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    Literary dialect is commonly believed to be a challenge in translation. Translation studies seldom pay attention to the translation of dialects, with even rarer studies focusing on the translation of Chinese literary dialects. This paper analyzes and compares the translation approaches in two English versions(Hu Zhihui's and Bret Sparling and Yin Chi's) of Li Jieren's Si Shui Wei Lan, a novel featuring literary dialects. The analysis reveals that in Hu's version, most dialects and language variations were put into formal and standard English,and only a small part of dialect was translated into vernacular or colloquial expressions. In the Sparling and Yin's version, the translators largely retained the dialectal elements and language variations in the original work by using Afro-American English expressions and nicknames. Dialects in literary works are a unique feature of Chinese literature. In tune with overseas promotion of Chinese literature works, more investigations and translation practices need to be conducted to shed light on the translation of Chinese dialect literatures.