西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 1-14.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.07.15.03

• 地质勘探 •    下一篇


游利军, 范道全, 康毅力, 周洋, 陈杨   

  1. 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院, 四川 成都 610500
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-15 发布日期:2024-05-11
  • 通讯作者: 游利军,E-mail:youlj0379@126.com
  • 作者简介:游利军,1976年生,男,汉族,河南洛阳人,教授,博士研究生导师,主要从事储层保护理论与技术、非常规油气、岩石物理方面的教学和科研工作。E-mail:youlj0379@126.com;范道全,1998年生,男,汉族,重庆云阳人,硕士研究生,主要从事页岩氧化、储层保护理论与技术方向的研究工作。E-mail:1390221722@qq.com;康毅力,1964年生,男,汉族,天津蓟州区人,教授,博士研究生导师,主要从事储层保护理论与技术、非常规天然气和油气田开发地质方向科研与教学。E-mail:ccwctkyl@163.com;周洋,1995年生,男,汉族,重庆万州人,博士研究生,主要从事储层保护、非常规油气、岩石物理等方面的研究。E-mail:zhouy2020@126.com;陈杨,1996年生,男,汉族,四川乐山人,博士研究生,主要从事储层保护理论与技术、非常规油气等方面的研究。E-mail:cyswpu@126.com
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Organic Volume Proportion in Shale: Concept, Measurement Method and Significance

YOU Lijun, FAN Daoquan, KANG Yili, ZHOU Yang, CHEN Yang   

  1. Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China
  • Received:2022-07-15 Published:2024-05-11

摘要: 有机质含量是评价页岩生产油气能力的重要指标,对孔隙度及含气量均有影响,也是页岩储层地质甜点评价的关键参数,而有机质含量无法体现有机质的分布、连通性、空间占比及其对油气渗流、储层改造的影响。通过对资料的整理与分析,厘清了有机质体积含量的概念,给出并分析了公式法、扫描电镜估算法、 CT 扫描法、低场核磁共振测量法及岩石物理模型法等 5 种计算方法的优势与不足,并探讨了有机质体积含量对富有机质页岩油气开发的意义。有机质体积含量指单位体积页岩中有机质的体积,用百分数表示,强化了页岩气层评价与开发中有机孔的重要性,丰富了页岩气储层评价参数体系;有机质是页岩的弱结构点或弱结构面,有机质体积含量的特性为地质甜点与工程甜点指标搭建了桥梁;有机质的可溶性及空间占比为油气储层孔缝溶扩 “物质净移除、减量增渗”新思路的提出奠定基础,将有机质作为溶蚀改造对象,少量有机质溶蚀将极大增加储层改造体积。

关键词: 页岩, 有机质含量, 有机质体积含量, 有机孔, 氧化改造, 地质 工程一体化

Abstract: Total Organic Content is an essential index for evaluating the oil and gas production capacity of shale, which has an impact on porosity and gas content and is also a key parameter for evaluating the ``geological sweet spot" of shale reservoir. However, TOC cannot reflect the distribution, connectivity, spatial proportion of organic matter and its influence on oil and gas flow and reservoir transformation. Through data sorting and analysis, the concept of Organic Volume Proportion was clarified and gave and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of five calculation methods, including the formula method, scanning electron microscopy estimation method, CT scanning method, low-field NMR measurement method, and rock physics model method. The significance of organic matter volume content to developing organic-rich shale oil and gas is also discussed. The Organic Volume Proportion refers to the volume of organic matter per unit volume of shale. It is expressed as a percentage, which strengthens the importance of organic pores in shale gas reservoir evaluation and development, and enriches the evaluation parameter system of shale oil and gas reservoirs. Organic matter is the weak structural point or weak structural plane of shale, the characteristics of OVP bridge the geological sweet spot and engineering sweet spot indicators, the solubility and spatial proportion of organic matter lay the foundation for the new idea of ``removal material and increment permeability" in oil and gas reservoirs. When organic matter is taken as the object of dissolution, a small amount of organic matter dissolution will greatly increase the reservoir reconstruction volume.

Key words: shale, total organic content, organic volume proportion, organic pore, oxidation stimulation, geological engineering integration
