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    15 August 2011, Volume 10 Issue 8
    Comparison of Three Methods on Drug Dissolution Based on Parameters of Weibull Distribution
    GUO Jian-Wei, WU Jun-Zhu, WANG Cheng-Jun, GAO Peng-Fei, MIAO Ju-Lian, YANG Zhi-Yong
    2011, 10(8):  1-4. 
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    Objective: To investigate different results through three methods of solving drug dissolution based on Weibull's
    distribution parameter. Method: The data of drug dissolution based on Weibull's distribution were treated with statistic calculator, Microsoft Excel and SPSS software respectively. Result: T50, Td and m values were close in three methods, but ζ and t0 values were much different. Conclusion: Data from SPSS have shown highest accurate, EXCEL method was less accurate, statistic calculator was the most unreliable method.

    Application of Sufentanil for Epidural Analgesia after Caesarean Section with Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthe
    PENG Li, DAI Hua, CUN Dai-Wen, JIN You-Ming, WANG Zhao-Min
    2011, 10(8):  5-6. 
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    Objective: To observe the effects and complications of Sufentanil and Bupivacaine for patient -controlled epidural
    analgesia(PCEF)after caesarean section with combined spinal epidural anesthesia. Methods: Two epidural anesthesia methods were randomly conducted in sixty patients undergoing caesarean section, the effects were evaluated. Results: The times of effective compression in effective control group S(Sufentanil)were lower than that of group F(Fentanyl). VAS scores in group S were lower than that of group F at 12 hour and 24 hour(P<0.05). BCS scores and Ram scores in group S were higher than that of group F(P<0.05). Complication rate in group S was lower compared to that of group F. SPO2 was above 95% in both groups, and there was no statistic significance of HR. Conclusions: The effects of Sufentanil and Bupivacaine combined with Dexamethasone were better compared to the application of Fentanyl, and complications hardly occurred. This method is safe and feasible in PCEF.

    Re-mineralization Effect of Fluoride Toothpaste on Demineralized Enamel of Permanent Teeth in Vitro
    CHEN Jun-Xia, LI Qi-Xian, ZHAO Peng, CUI Chun-Ling, LI Xue-Zhen, LAN Hai
    2011, 10(8):  7-9. 
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    Objective: To explore the effect of fluoride toothpaste on enamel re -mineralization of extracted permanent teeth.
    Methods: Twenty-four enamel specimens of bovine intact permanent teeth were selected based on the hardness data of about 285 kg/mm2 and were randomly divided into group A, B and C. Group A was treated with fluoride toothpaste, group B was treated with nonfluoride toothpaste, while group C was selected as the control group with non-treatment. All specimens were smeared with artificial saliva. The enamel microhardness of the three groups was measured by automatic turret digital micro Vickers hardness tester. Results: The mean hardness of group A before re-mineralization was(285.2±4.3)kg/mm 2, while that after remineralization was (356.9±7.9)kg/mm2(P<0.05); the mean hardness of group B before re-mineralization was(284±5.2)kg/mm2, while(302.3±3.8)kg/mm2(P>
    0.05)after re-mineralization; the mean hardness of group C before re-mineralization was(285.3±5.1)kg/mm2, and(272.0±6.6)kg/mm2(P>0.05)after re-mineralization. Data showed that the hardness value after re-mineralization of group A was apparently higher than those of group B and C (P<0.05). Conclusion: Fluoride toothpaste can effectively promote the re-mineralization of demineralized enamel.

    Antibacterials Application Analysis of People's Hospital of Xishuangbanna Dai Prefecture in 2009-2010
    LIU Hai-Yan, LI Ting-Ting, XIE Jian-Zhong, KUANG Li-Hua, YAN Jian
    2011, 10(8):  10-13. 
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    Objective: To investigate the utilization and tendency of antibacterials in our hospital from 2009 to 2010 so as to guide a
    rational clinical use of antibacterials. Methods: The data of antibacterials application in our hospital from 2009 to 2010 were collected; sales amount and DDDs were sorted and statistically analyzed. Results: Sales amount of antibacterials in our hospital was higher with a rapid growth. And the species of antibacterials kept growing and were widely used in injections. Cephalosporins, penicillins, quinolones, β-lactamase inhibitor and its compound were most often used and were on the rise. The application of lincomycins and macrolides showed a downward trend. Conclusion: Data showed a high utilization of antibacterials in our hospital. Great efforts should be attached to a standard management of antibacterials.

    Analysis on Commonly Used Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms in Kunming Affiliated Hospital of Dali University
    WANG Xue-Chang
    2011, 10(8):  14-16. 
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    Objective: To analyze commonly used pharmaceutical dosage forms in Kunming Affiliated Hospital of Dali University so
    as to provide suggestions on a rational use of medicine. Method: Statistics of defined daily dose (DDD)of medicine, medication frequency (DDDs)and frequency analysis of oral controlled release drugs in 2009 were analyzed. Result: Data showed that the oral traditional tablets and capsules accounted for 88.36%, sustained-release tablets and capsules accounted for 5.67%, and controlledrelease tablet accounted for 0.6%. The majority of sustained or controlled release tablets were cardiovascular medicine. Conclusion:Traditional tablets and capsules were widely used in Kunming Affiliated Hospital of Dali University. The use of sustained and controlled released drug delivery system should be strengthened.

    Detection Method of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Injection
    CHEN Guang-Yong, CHEN Xu-Bing, LIU Guang-Ming, DENG Jie
    2011, 10(8):  17-20. 
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    Objective: The detection method of traditional Chinese medicinal injection was discussed. Methods: To study, analyze
    and review the related literatures. Results: The injections of traditional Chinese medicine were detected by Raman spectrum, infrared spectrum, 3 -D fluorometric method, Gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Among the detection methods, high performance liquid chromatography was most widely applied. And because of the limitations of a single detection means, multiple techniques are an inevitable trend. Conclusion: With the development of new technology, the quality of traditional Chinese medicinal injection will be improved.

    Analysis of Drug Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection During 2009—2010
    LI Ting-Ting, LIU Hai-Yan
    2011, 10(8):  21-23. 
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    Objective: To investigate the drug use and the trend of traditional Chinese medicine injection (CMI)in our hospital
    during the period of 2009-2010 and to provide references for clinical rational drug use. Methods: The data concerning the species, consumption sum and frequency of the drug use of CMI in our hospital from 2009 to 2010 were collected and statistically analyzed. Results: The consumption sum of CMI accounted for 16.92% and 14.75% among the total drug sales amount in 2009 and 2010 respectively. The top 20 CMI on the consumption sum list changed little during the two yeas, and the majority was used for cardiovascular diseases. Integrated, asarone, Bozhi glycopeptide, tanshinone IIA sulfonate were the first three on the list of DDDs. Conclusions: The DDDs of CMI in our hospital was high despite of a slow growth of CMI. Great efforts should be attached to standard management of injection for Chinese medicines.

    rDNA Genotyping of Oral Candida albicans Isolated from HIV-infected Population
    ZHANG Yun-Cao, LIU Qi, WU You-Cong, GUO Li-Jun, SHEN Yuan-Ying, BAI Li
    2011, 10(8):  24-26. 
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    Objective: To investigate the distribution of genotypes of oral Candida albicans isolated from HIV-related group and
    healthy carriers group. Methods: PCR with CA-INT primers was designed to amplify group 1 intron-containing region in 25S rDNA of oral Candida albicans, the different strains of oral Candida albicans were classified into genotypes on the basis of bands from amplicons. Then the genotypic distribution results of all oral Candida albicans were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 by chi-square test. Results: One hundred and eight strains of oral cavities Candida albicans were classified into genotype A, B and C. Genotype A was the most predominant one. Identical genotypes distribution appeared in both groups. But the constituent ratio of genotype A of oral Candida albicans strains in HIV-positive group was statistically higher compared to the healthy people group. Conclusion: Genotypes of oral Candida albicans in both groups were highly polymorphic. The method in text is suitable to apply in genotyping research of oral Candida albicans.

    Management Model for Severe Mental Disorders Treatment in Dali Prefecture
    SHI Zhao-Yun, ZHANG Xi, DUAN Bing-Hua, LIU Ji-Zheng, YANG Fu-Ju- , HE Gui-Heng
    2011, 10(8):  27-29. 
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    Objective: To explore a new follow-up style management model in severe mental disorders treatment, establish control
    mechanisms and networks, improve cure rate and life quality of the patients and their families, reduce the incidences of risk behavior and promote social stability and harmony. Methods: Firstly we investigated mental illnesses on permanent residents in Dali City, then we went on a further survey according to the above clues. The data that met the diagnosed standard (ICD-10 and CCMD-3)were enrolled into the national severe mental disorders management network system. For those impoverished patients with third-class and the above risk behaviors were hospitalized and managed in group and were offerred both free treatment and drug after their dangerous behavior were assessed. Results: 2 828 pieces of mental anomaly information were obtained in the clue survey, and 1 856 cases with severe mental disorders met the diagnosis standards after preliminary screening. 185 cases had third -class and the above risk behaviors after the assessment, and 73 cases were enrolled for free drug, 45 cases were hospitalized for free. Conclusion: The new
    follow-up management model was worthy promoting for social and economical benefit.

    Preliminary Analysis of Parasitic Chigger Mites on Tupaia belangeri in 20 Counties in Yunnan Province
    LIN Shang-Jin, GUO Xian-Guo- , SUN Xiao-Mei, YANG Zhi-Hua, WU Dian, DONG Wen-Ge
    2011, 10(8):  30-33. 
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    Objective: To explore species constitutes, species diversity, dominant species and their spatial distribution patterns of
    chigger mites on Tupaia belangeri in Yunnan Province. Methods: Tupaia belangeri was captured with cage traps, the original survey data was gained from field investigation in 20 counties in Yunnan Province. The larvae of chigger mites on Tupaia belangeri were mainly collected from two auricles and external auditory canals by a bistoury and stored in 70% of ethanol. After slide-mounted with Hoyer's medium, every specimen was identified into species under a microscope. The structure of community and diversity of species were analyzed with the species richness (S), evenness (J'), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H')and dominance index(C'). Coefficient(C), Cassie index(CA)and patch index (m*/m)were used to measure the spatial distribution pattern. Results: 229 individuals of Tupaia belangeri were captured from 20 counties, and 13 609 individuals of chigger mites were collected. The collected
    chigger mites belonged to 68 species, 10 genus in 3 subfamily, (excluding 4 indeterminate species). The overall mite infestation prevalence and overall mite mean abundance was 33.6% and 59.4, respectively. Eight species of mites, which were found dominant on Tupaia belangeri, were Leptotrombidium sinicum, Leptotrombidium shuqui, Leptotrombidium yongshengense, Leptotrombidium scutellare, Leptotrombidium rusticum, Leptotrombidium yui, Leptotrombidium wangi and Helenicula simena. Eight dominant chigger mites on Tupaia belangeri showed an aggregated distribution pattern under 3 spatial measurement pattern above with the values higher than 0 or 1 (except H.simena, CA =0). Conclusion: There were abundant chigger mites with high species diversity on Tupaia belangeri. The dominant species of chigger mites on Tupaia belangeri showed an aggregated distribution pattern.

    42 Cases of Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia Treated with Anti-tachyarrhythmia Drugs
    LI Xue-Mei, ZHANG Bi-Fang, JIN Mei-Si
    2011, 10(8):  34-35. 
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    Objective:To discuss the experience of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) treated with anti -
    tachyarrhythmia drugs in Dali Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Method: Retrospective analysis was conducted on 42 cases of PSVT from August 2000 to July 2010 in our hospital. Results: Five anti-tachyarrhythmia drugs were applied in 42 cases of PSVT according to each indication. There were 10 cases in Verapamil group, effective in 9 cases, 3 cases of adverse reactions, total efficiency was 90%; 12 cases in propafenone group, effective in all 12 cases, 2 cases of adverse reactions, total efficiency was 100%; among the 6 cases in ATP group, 6 were effective, 1 had adverse reaction, and the total efficiency was 100%; among the 6 cases in cedilanid group, 5 were effective with non adverse reaction observed, and its total efficiency was 83.33%; among the 8 cases in amiodarone group, 7 were effective, 2 had adverse reactions, and its total efficiency was 87.5%. Conclusion: Under strict indications and contraindications, anti-arrhythmic drug selection in PSVT therapy is most important; it can greatly improve the terminating rate of PSVT, and reduce the incidence of adverse reactions and clinical risks.

    Clinical Observation of Combined Propofol and Midazolam for Sedation Therapy in ICU Mechanical Ventilation
    ZOU Tian-Lei, ZHAO Yong-Mao
    2011, 10(8):  36-38. 
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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of combined use of propofol and midazolam for sedation therapy in ICU mechanical
    ventilation Methods: Sixty-nine patients were randomly divided into two groups: study group (combined propofol and midazolam) with 35 cases and control group (midazolam group)with 34 cases. Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, respiration, oxygen saturation, drug onset time, wake time of drug withdrawal, the time of achieved satisfactory sedation and side effects were observed before and after the treatment. Results: There were significant differences between the two groups in signs of life before and after treatment (P<0.05). Compared to the control group, there were shorter onset time and recovery time after treatment, as well as the time of achieved satisfactory sedation (P<0.05). Two cases of nausea after drug withdrawal were observed in study group whereas 6 cases in control group. Blood pressure instability was observed in 6 patients in the study group and 5 cases in the control group. Conclusions: Combined use of propofol and midazolam which showed satisfied sedative effect with lower adverse reactions was safe and effective in sedation therapy in ICU mechanical ventilation.

    Immunophenotype Changes of Auto-Cytokine Induced Killer Cells from Patients with Malignant Solid Tumor after Amplification in Vitro
    ZHANG Jing, LI Yong-Ping, ZHANG Rong-Sheng, LI Xue-Mei
    2011, 10(8):  39-40. 
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    Objective: To retrospectively analyze the changes of immunophenotyping of auto-cytokine induced killer cells from 59
    patients with malignant solid tumor after amplification from January 2009 to May 2010, and to provide experimental evidence to CIK therapy for malignant solid tumor patients. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC)of 59 patients with malignant solid tumor were collected. PBMC were cultivated for 10-14 days in vitro with traditional cultivating system added IFN-γ, CD3McAb and IL-2. Then, immunophenotype changes of CIK cells before and after culture were measured with flow cytometry (FCM). The results then were conducted with matched t test. Results: After cultured, the PBMC, CD3 + cells, CD3 + CD4 + cells, CD3-CD56 + cells, CD3+ CD56+ cells increased significantly compared with that of before (P<0.05). CD3+CD8+cells showed slight but not significant increase (P>0.05). The percentage of CD3+, CD3+ CD4+,CD3-CD56+ phenotype cells declined with statistical significance (P<0.05), while the percentage of CD3+CD8+ cells had no significant difference (P>0.05). The purity of CIK cells after being cultured
    (46.55±19.25)% was significantly higher (9.90±8.96)%. Conclusion: The purity of CIK cells from patients with malignant solid tumor increased significantly after amplification in vitro.

    Clinical Effect on Deanxit Treating Chronic Magrain
    YANG Chong-Sheng, LI Xue-Mei
    2011, 10(8):  41-42. 
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    Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of deanixt on patients of chronic magrain. Methods: Ninety-eight cases of
    chronic magrain patients were divided into treatment group using deanixt and control group, each with 49 cases and a treatment for 8 weeks. The results were observed. Results: The total effective rate was 89.8% in the treatment group, compared with that of 61.3% in the control group; the difference which was statistically significant (P<0.05)demonstrated that the efficacy of treatment is better in the treatment group than that in the control group. Conclusion: Deanxit is effective in the treatment of chronic magrain.

    Clinical Evaluation and Risk of Individual Glioma Surgery by MR-DTI
    CHEN Yue-Ping, LI Song, WANG Dong-Liang, HAN Shi-Bo, XIONG Bin
    2011, 10(8):  43-46. 
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    Objective: To discuss the clinical value of instituting operative schedule for protecting neurological functions in patients
    with gliomas by magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Methods: Thirty-three patients with gliomas were recruited to undergo MR -DTI test and neurosurgical assessment before and after surgery. According to the results of MR -DTI test, the relationships of gliomas and adjacent white matter tracts can be classified as the following three types: typeⅠ-displacement; type Ⅱ-infiltration; type Ⅲ-disruption. The differences of preoperative neurological functions, as well as the change of postoperative neurological functions and the change of both preoperative and postoperative neurological functions, were compared in the three groups. Results: There were 12 cases in typeⅠ, 12 cases in type Ⅱ, and 9 cases in type Ⅲ. 1. There were significant differences between gliomas' FA values and relative normal brain tissue's in each type (P<0.05). 2. There were significant difference between MR -DTI types and preoperative neurological functions, as well as between MR -DTI types and the change of postoperative neurological functions (P<0.05). 3. There were significant differences in the states of neurological functions before and after surgery.
    Conclusions: MR-DTI can be used to display the relationships of gliomas and adjacent white matter tracts, which is useful for neurosurgeons to institute suitable operative schedule for protecting patients' neurological function.

    Clinical Applications of the Placement of Blind Nasal Jejunal Tube in Critically Ill Patients
    WEI Wei, TANG Yuan-Xu, YANG Cong
    2011, 10(8):  47-49. 
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    Objective: The placement of blind nasal jejunal tube which is a treatment for critically ill patients could solve the
    problem of enteral nutrition, protect the food from regurgitation and aspiration, reduce aspiration pneumonia, as well as the corrosive esophageal stricture caused by toxic poisoning. Methods: Blind insertion technique of spiral nasal jejunal tube, together with early enteral nutrition therapy, was applied to various patients. Results: Blind insertion technique of spiral nasal jejunal tube had higher concordant and less injury. Conclusion: Blind insertion technique of spiral nasal jejunal tube, which was a clinical research with practical significance, could be used to all kinds of critically ill patients support nutrition, improve prognosis, cure rate and survival rate.

    Clinical Experience of Bacterial Meningitis Treated by Latamoxef Sodium
    GU Xiang-Fu
    2011, 10(8):  50-51. 
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    Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of bacterial meningitis treated by latamoxef sodium. Methods:
    Retrospective investigation to the bacterial mengitis cases in our hospital in the past 5 years was taken. Forty cases were randomly selected and divided into the latamoxef sodium 50 mg/kg treatment group(group A)and the cefepime 50 mg/kg control group(group B), each with 20 cases. Then the clinical efficacy, bacteriological changes and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results: The clinical efficacy of group A and B was 95.00% and 90.00% respectively, without significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion: Latamoxef sodium treating bacterial meningitis, which had higher efficacy, safety and less adverse reaction, could reach a win-win situation for both the medical institutions and the patients under the system of new rural cooperative medicare scheme and urban health insurance. It is wealthy of clinical application.

    Intervention of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Elderly Patients after Hip Fracture
    DONG Ying-Xian
    2011, 10(8):  52-53. 
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    Objective: To explore the prevention of deep venous thrombosis in elderly patients after hip fractures. Methods: The
    effects of a series of treatments, including Danshen injection, low molecular weight heparin injection, endogenous electric, air pressure treatment, lower limb ankle pumps, quadriceps exercise, lower limb circulation monitoring in 50 cases of elderly patients with hip fracture before and after surgery, were evaluated. Results: Two cases of deep venous thrombosis in total 50 cases were observed. Satisfied effect was achieved after intravenous thrombolysis treatment in those 2 cases, pulmonary embolism and other serious complications were not found. Conclusion: The treatments discussed in the text can effectively prevent deep venous thrombosis.

    Clinical Analysis of Chemotherapy for 27 Cases of Cervical Carcinoma
    PU Cui-Fen, ZHANG Jing-Hua
    2011, 10(8):  54-56. 
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    Objective:To explore the effects of chemotherapy in the treatment of early cervical carcinoma. Methods:Clinical
    datums from 27 cases of early cervical carcinoma (Stage (Ⅰa ~Ⅱb)from January 2004 to November 2010 in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of Affiliated Hospital of Dali University were conduct retrospective analysis. Results:Five cases in stage II b were partial remission under chemotherapy management before operation,then,extensive radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy were all successfully performed. Extensive radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy plus internal iliac arterial infusion chemotherapy was successfully performed in the rest 22 cases. All patients were followed up for 4 to 72 months with an average of 25 months except one lost,no recurrence and transfer were observed. Conclusion:Chemotherapy,a good adjuvant therapy of early
    cervical carcinoma,can be applied to preoperative,intraoperative or postoperative.

    Comparison of LEEP and Microwave Therapy in Class III Cervical Erosion Treatment
    WANG Yong-Mei, LI Juan, YANG Yi-Min, ZHOU Yan
    2011, 10(8):  57-59. 
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    Objective:To investigate the clinical results of cervical LEEP(loop electrosurgical excisional procedure)and microwave therapy in treatment of class III cervical erosion. Methods:One hundred and twenty patients with class III cervical erosion were randomly divided into treatment group(LEEP therapy)and control group(traditional microwave therapy),with 60 cases in each group. Blood loss,effects on exuvial hemorrhage at 15 days and 60 days postoperative,as well as the rate of high-risk HPV infection at 90days postoperative were evaluated. Results:There were 20 cases of HPV infection in LEEP group,2 cases of exuvial hemorrhage were observed at 15 d postoperative,all cases of cervical wounds were 100% healed at 60 d and 90 d postoperative (healing rate 100%);2 cases (10%)showed high-risk HPV persistent infection at 90 d postoperative. There were 18 cases of HPV infection in
    control group,12 cases of exuvial hemorrhage were observed at 15 d postoperative,42 cases of cervical wounds were 100% healed at 60 d and 90 d postoperative (healing rate 70%),meanwhile in 18 cases,about 1/3 to 1/2 of wound healed,and 4 patients did not heal at all;6 cases (30%)showed high-risk HPV persistent infection at 90 d postoperative. The data showed that there were statistic significance between the two groups in healing effect and infection rate (P<0.05). Conclusion:Compared to the microwave therapy,LEEP therapy got better curative effect with shorter healing time and lower HPV persistent infection rates in treatment of class III cervical erosion.

    Clinical Application of Maximum Phonation Time in Evaluation of Speech Barrier
    QIU Tian-Long
    2011, 10(8):  60-62. 
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    Objective:To investigate the effect and method of maximum phonation time in diagnose of speech disorder by
    theoretical exploration and case studies. Methods:A child with speech disorder who has been implanted artificial cochlear was followed up and evaluated by maximum phonation time,and the effect of maximum phonation time on respiratory function evaluation was studied. Results:Maximum phonation time can accurately reflect the change of respiratory function in speech disorder. Conclusions:Maximum phonation time which can sensitively reflect the patient's respiratory function is an effective clinical evaluation index.

    Clinical Analysis of 400 Cases of Suspension Microlaryngoscopic Surgery under High Frequency Ventilation and General Anesthesia Condition
    HE Yong-Gang
    2011, 10(8):  63-64. 
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    Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of suspension microlaryngoscopic surgery under high frequency
    ventilation and general anesthesia condition. Methods:400 cases of vocal cord polyps from January 2000 to December 2010 in our department were conducted the vocal cord polypectomy with suspension microlaryngoscopic surgery under the condition of high frequency ventilation and general anesthesia. Results:Retrospective analysis showed that the therapy was effective with shorter operative time,less damage to vocal cords and rapid recovery avoice. No recurrence was found in six months' follow -up.Conclusion:The method above was safe,simple and effective and worthy of promoting in primary hospitals.

    Clinical Study on the Application of Temporary Stopping Ceivtron in Root Canal Therapy
    2011, 10(8):  65-67. 
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    Objective:To compare the clinical effects of three kinds of temporary stopping in root canal therapy. Method:Three
    hundred sick teeth,including 150 with simple cavity and 150 with compound cavity,were randomly selected and sealed with Ceivtron,oxide-eugenol cement and gutta-percha. The seal effects were observed and recorded one week later. Forty hundred and fifty sick teeth(entirely simple cavity)were divided into 9 groups randomly and sealed with the above-mentioned three kinds of materials. Sealing effects were observed and recorded respectively at 3 days,one week and two weeks after operation. Result:Ceivtron and oxide-eugenol cement showed better sealing effect than gutta-percha. But the oxide-eugenol cement is not popular among patients because of its bad smell. Conclusion:The results suggested that Ceivtron may be the best choice among the three kinds of materials in root canal therapy.

    Spectral Characteristics of Carotid Artery in Isolated Systolic Hypertension
    YANG Yan-Shu, LI Yun-An, LIANG Zhi-Ning, LIU Yan, LI Hai-Yan
    2011, 10(8):  68-70. 
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    Objective:To investigate color Doppler ultrasound spectrum of carotid artery in patients with isolated systolic
    hypertension. Methods:One hundred and fifty -eight cases of isolated systolic hypertension,30 cases of isolated diastolic hypertension and 32 cases of systolic hypertension and diastolic hypertension were conducted carotid artery testing with color Doppler ultrasound. Results:Widened carotid diameter,thickened intima (average thickness 1.0~1.4 millimeter)and slowed peak flow rate were observed in all essential hypertension patients. However,carotid artery resistance index was significantly highest in isolated systolic hypertension group(carotid:0.86±0.07 millimeter,internal carotid artery:0.73±0.06 millimeter,the external carotid artery: 0.91 ±0.09 millimeter). Conclusion:The study showed that ultrasound carotid artery resistance index could be a guide to the classification of essential hypertension.

    Clinical Application of Transvaginal Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy
    WEN Mei-Yan
    2011, 10(8):  71-72. 
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    Objective:To explore the clinical effective of Transvaginal ultrasound in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Methods:One
    hundred and eight cases of ectopic pregnancy received ultrasound examination before surgery in our hospital were conducted a retrospectively analysis. Results:There were 76 cases of ectopic pregnancy diagnosed according to transvaginal ultrasound(TVS) diagnosis,in which 18 cases were complete gestational sac type,51 cases were mixed type mass,7 cases were solid mass. Whereas,there were 12 cases in 32 cases diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy with abdominal ultrasound (TAS). Pathological diagnosis confirmed that there were 103 cases(95%)of tubal pregnancy,1 case of(0.92%)ovarian pregnancy,2 cases(1.85%)of cornual pregnancy. The diagnose accordance rate of TVS was 96.3% and 25% of TAS. Conclusion:With the easy operation and the high rate
    of diagnosis,TVS is valuable in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy,especially the early unruptured tubal pregnancy.

    Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Limb Skeletal System Malformations
    WU Wen-Xia, XU Yong-Lian, XIONG De-Qing, LI Hong, FANG Qian
    2011, 10(8):  73-75. 
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    Objective:To investigate the clinical value of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of fetal skeletal malformations in the limbs.
    Methods:Retrospective analysis of ultrasonographic features in 32 cases of fetal skeletal malformations of the limbs was conducted,the results were compared to the X-ray examination results and autopsy results postpartum or after induced abortion. Results:Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of 32 cases of fetal limb skeletal system malformations matched the results of X-ray examination and the results from autopsy postpartum or after induced abortion. Among the 32 cases, there were 6 cases of dwarf lethal deformity, 4 cases of short limbs deformity, 2 cases of limb flexion deformity, 1 case of bilateral absence of upper limb deformity of radius and ulna, 1 case of absence of one side of the upper radial deformity, 2 cases of absence of upper limb deformity, 3 cases of absence of lower limb deformity, 2 cases of hand-foot multi-finger(toe)deformity, 1 case of foot missing(toe)malformation, 9 cases of clubfoot deformity,
    and 1 case of sequence of human fish levy. Conclusion: Being accurate, safe, non-invasive, non-radiative and repeatable, prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of fetal limb skeletal system was an effective way.

    Observation and Nursing Method in Complications of Urological Patients indwelling Double-J Catheter
    WANG Lian-Fen
    2011, 10(8):  76-77. 
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    Objective:To investigate the complications and care methods in double-J catheter drainage therapy with urological
    patients. Methods:Clinical data from 232 cases of urological patients who were applied double-J catheter for drainage and stent was conducted a retrospective analysis. Results:Three cases showed small leakage urine,and nine cases were found urate adhension at the end of indwelling double-J catheter at the bladder direction. All patients were followed up for 6 months,no low back pain,fever and urinary tract irritation observed during the indwelling with double -J catheter. Conclusion:With fewer traumas,simple operation,quick recovery,drainage with the double-J catheter in urological patients can reduce the incidence of postoperative complications and improve quality of nursing.

    Practice and Experience of Carrying Out High Quality Care in Orthopedics Department
    HU Li-Fen, GUO Lin-Cui
    2011, 10(8):  78-79. 
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    Objective: To carry out "2010 Activity of High-quality Care Demonstration Project Proposed by the Ministry of Health".
    Methods: According to the situation in our department, we planed to carry out high-quality care to improve our current work quality.Results: After practice, the quality and content of care have been improved; meanwhile, patients and society were more satisfied with the improved nursing quality .Conclusoins: Through the implementation of high quality care activities,it can effectively improve the nurses' comprehensive ability and the overall management of the hospital.

    Clinical Application and Analysis of an Easy Dressing and Undressing Patient Suits
    CHAI Shi-Xue, CHEN Qi-Xian, MENG Yong-Li, MA Gui-Cun, LIU Yang
    2011, 10(8):  80-82. 
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    Objective:To enhance a humane medical care and meet diversified needs of patients and improve patient satisfaction
    with patient suits. Method:Two hundred patient suits were made and used in the hospital. Self-made questionnaires and purposive sampling were applied among 150 medical staff,patients and patient's families in different departments,of different sexes, educational backgrounds,occupations and ages. Results:Most medical staff,patients and patient's families were satisfied with the patient suits. Conclusion:This kind of patient suit,which was easy to dress and undress,facilitate for doctors and nurses,and protective for patient's privacy,could enhance work efficiency and improve patient's satisfaction.

    Make Full Use of Laboratory Resources Do Anatomy Laboratory Opening
    WANG Yong
    2011, 10(8):  85-86. 
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    Opening laboratory to students is not only a vital part of teaching reform of higher education but also an effective way to
    improve students innovative and practical ability. Anatomy laboratory using laboratory resources do well to open the laboratory. From the time of laboratory opening,Object choice;content;The influence of the laboratory and for teacher questions discussed . Explain opening laboratory is an important part of the completion of the teaching task,improve the quality of teaching. Promote the reform of the experimental teaching and development necessary supplement,Can be widely advocated.

    Thoughte on the Construction of Specific Subject in Local University
    ———A Case Study of the construction of the National Specific Subject on Nursing
    WANG Guo-Fu, LIAO Jian-Ying
    2011, 10(8):  87-90. 
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    National specific subject on nursing construction is an important means to promote the overall standard of subject
    construction, to improve talent training quality and talent competitive force. The foothold of construction of specitic subject on nursing are discussed and the objectives and the main contents of the construction of specific subject are put forward in this paper. Explored the construction mode of nursing specific subject.

    Discussion on the Training of Medical Students' Clinical Thinking Ability
    LUO Ping
    2011, 10(8):  91-93. 
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    The training of clinical thinking ability is an important aspect in higher medical education. After the discussion on its
    problems and causes,we found some solutions to improve the clinical thinking ability and to train qualified medical students.

    Surveys on the Satisfactory Degree of County Physician Trainees in Yunnan Training Program "Into West"
    ZOU Lian-Tang, LUO Zhi-Yong, YANG Yu-Ping- , YANG Chi- , WU Xiao-Juan
    2011, 10(8):  94-95. 
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    Objective:To analyze the satisfactory degree of county physician trainees in "Into West" program,and to improve the
    efficiency of training work. Methods:We sampled and surveyed 201 trainees who came from different specialized fields with cluster sampling method. Results:Trainees were satisfied with most subjects. The trainees majored in internal medicine,pediatrics and imaging science showed higher satisfactory degree than the trainees majored in gynecology and surgery. Conclusions:We have made some progress in our provincial county-level physician training,we should change our training plan and our text books according to the students' actual needs and give the doctors more basic professional training.

    Survey on the Rates and Species of Bacterial Contamination of Laboratory Sheets and Disinfection Methods
    DONG Li-Wen, WANG Fei, CHEN Cai-Ling, ZHANG Xiu-Dan, LU Shao-Hua, WANG Tao
    2011, 10(8):  96-97. 
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    Objective:To investigate the rates of bacterial contamination of laboratory sheets and relevant disinfection methods.
    Method:Laboratory sheets were sampled directly and bacteria were cultured in medium,and then laboratory sheets were disinfected by using different sterile techniques including ultraviolet sterilization,formaldehyde fumigation sterilization,glutaric dialdehyde fumigation method and microwave. Finally,those laboratory sheets were sampled directly again and bacteria were cultured again. Results:Two hundred and ninety-two strains bacteria grew on culture medium before ultraviolet sterilization and 146 strains after;the sterilization rate was 50%. There were 121 strains bacteria before formaldehyde fumigation sterilization and 76 strains after;the sterilization rate was 37.19%. There were 125 strains before glutaric dialdehyde fumigation sterilization and 60 strains after;the sterilization rate was 52%. There were 550 strains bacteria before Microwave sterilization and 189 strains after;the sterilization rate was 65.64%. Conclusion:Microwave sterilization showed better sterilization rate in laboratory sheets sterilization.

    Investigation of Posterior Segment Intraocular Foreign Body Injuries in Western Yunnan
    DONG Kai-Ye, MA Mai-Cong, WU Rui-Feng, ZHAO Wei, HONG Wei, LI Cai-Rui
    2011, 10(8):  98-100. 
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    Objective:To explore the common reasons and operation effects of posterior intraocular foreign bodies injury in western Yunnan. Methods:A retrospectively analysis was conducted on 86 patients (92 eyes). Among 92eyes,35 eyes received posterior route extraction and 57 eyes received vitrectomy extraction. Results:Impact injury and bomb injury were the main reasons of eye injury in western Yunnan. The successful rate of vitrectomy (96.5%,55/57)was higher than that of posterior route extraction (85.71% 30/35)(P<0.01). Meanwhile,the postoperative visual acuity of vitrectomy groups was much better than that of posterior route extraction group. Conclusions:Vitrectomy is an ideal way for extraction of eposterior intraocular foreign bodies.